Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 10/26/2005
Dear Sam Salam , thanks for your comment . about your Q. I have visited several time in this summer this national park but in every time , I usually staied 3 days. With best wish Babak
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 10/15/2005
very beautiful how many days you've been in Tandure?
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 10/12/2005
Beautiful Babak! Your composition and those wonderful colors combined make this an incredible image, really well done!
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 10/11/2005
Dear Ken Thanks for your comment Babak
Kenneth Roine
{K:3538} 10/11/2005
Very nice!! Ken
ali shokri
{K:1611} 10/11/2005
great work thanks for share .........
Kamran Bakhtiari
{K:24048} 10/10/2005
that is great indeed.
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 10/9/2005
Dear Kiarang about a little spot in my photo , I think it relate to my crop . and I am very glad that you like some of my photos. With best wish Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 10/9/2005
Dear Riny Thanks for your comment and I have realy enjoied of your kestrel photo. Babak
Seyed Babak Musavi
{K:496} 10/9/2005
Dear Dubravko Thanks for your comment Babak
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 10/9/2005
Interesting and warm contrast.what's the little spot in upper left?it's a bit distract the eye. nice shot. bravo!
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 10/9/2005
Outstanding scenic beauty.. Riny
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 10/9/2005
perfect bird photo!