David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 11/18/2005
Yes f4 :) Not that you get much choice with the low light at these events. Great shot under difficult light.
* James *
{K:20200} 10/10/2005
that white ring is reminiscent of some kind of aura around this musical minstrel. is it a man or a woman?
warmest regards from china ~ james
Sheila Carson
{K:5924} 10/8/2005
Great Shot! How did you manage to not have her silhouetted with that bright light behind her?
A really wonderful shot! :)Sheila
{K:14339} 10/7/2005
i just notices that white line around this guy. Why does that appear here, but not on the image on my comp, or in print??
I havent PS'd this image at all!!!!
Now im confused!!
Thanks for your comment Fabiola.
Fabiola Barrientos
{K:8169} 10/7/2005
Excellent shot...perfect!!