Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 5/12/2005
Roberto, thank you so much for you kind comments.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/12/2005
you see?!?! is perfect very very well done, roby 7
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 5/5/2005
Bunnie, I used two lenses for the ladybug image. The 18-55mm lens was attached to the camera and I reversed a 50mm lens and held it up to the other one.
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 5/5/2005
Thank you Laurie, she does have alot of expressions...hope to get them all someday LOL. So we bother use the same camera and the lens you used on the ladybug is that the lens that came with the camera? I have the same lens...but your detail on that little bug is awesome. What's your secret PS?
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 5/4/2005
I love her expression. Very cute! The black and white tones are very good here. Thanks for your comment on my ladybug pic! :)
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 5/4/2005
Ang, thank you...she's so easy to photograph!
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 5/4/2005
thanks jan. I had to go back in your portfolio to see if you got a shot like this....didn't want to put of the same..lol anyway thanks again.
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 5/4/2005
Thank you Krista!...but I can't take all the credit. Morgan is such a ham....love taking pictures of her.
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 5/4/2005
Kay, thank you so much for your comments. Hopefully my grandkids will enjoy all these photos and memory books I've made for them. I never go anywhere without my camera...
Angela Freed
{K:10061} 5/3/2005
Great shot! I love her expression. angela
Jan .
{K:8693} 5/3/2005
Really nice one, Bunn! The DOF and angle of the shot are really awesome. She looks so natural, curious...I love it!
Krista Chamberlain
{K:1003} 5/3/2005
Great Job Bunnie. This looks so good. I think you did really good with the tones. Krista
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 5/3/2005
Cute! Great dof and lighting. We call our Morgan "Mo" for short too! This is a great shot, Bunnie, your grandkids are lucky to have a camera carrying grandma!