Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
Thank you Kelly!
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
Lea, I'm glad you like the color version...the drool stands out a little more in color..but still cute.
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
John, your warm comments and humor are greatly appreciated. As the first grandson, he definitely gets what he wants! I'm just getting started in photography so I can use all the advise I can get. Bunnie
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 4/4/2005
I love the color version. I wonder why the monochrome looks yellowish on my screen? Judging from the other comments, it doesn't look that way to anyone else!
{K:20268} 4/4/2005
adorable.... cheers kel
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 4/4/2005
Buy Him some peanuts and cracker jacks!!!!!He's so darn cute I would get Him whatever He wanted!!!!! This is very precious Bunnie!That look is to melt for! Love the tones and the expression so much! Very heartwarming and BIG smile maker!Thanks!! My best and GOD bless Him and YOU!.....John 7++++
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
Thank you Cynthia! Bunnie
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
Roger...yeah he's a tiger fan alright! But you should of seen him after the Spartans lost.
- -
{K:-452} 4/4/2005
very nice shot and tonality!!
roger bourland
{K:2762} 4/4/2005
little Tiger fan? nice shot and oh yeah its opening day
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
Lea, yes he is a cute little boy! I don't really see yellow tone but here is the picture in color...what do you think

Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
Alison, thank you for your encouragement!
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/4/2005
Thanks Jan....you know he's all boy!!!
Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 4/4/2005
A very nice shot of a REALLY cute little boy! On my screen it appears to have a yellow cast to it. I think I would prefer it to be in color or black and white. Or, maybe it's my screen that is giving the yellow cast.....
Alison Webb
{K:1779} 4/4/2005
cute shot, good tones, well done Cheers Alison.
Jan .
{K:8693} 4/4/2005
Bunnie!!! Damn he's cute! Your tones are spot-on! and look at those eyelashes! (he looks just like his dad...)
Congrats! Jan