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Boreal Owl 1
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Image Title:  Boreal Owl 1
Favorites: 0 
 By: Jim Christensen  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  Jim Christensen {Karma:18843}
Project #19 Above Your Head Camera Model Canon EOS 20D
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Birds
Lens Canon  70-200 mm f/2.8 L USM
Uploaded 3/2/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 468 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 14 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  North Shore
Country - United States   United States
About Sometimes you just get lucky ! This Owl is rarely seen and is tiny, another thing in its favor. Today as I headed out of town, I decided to stop at the drug store for my meds, instead of waiting till this evening, Mostly because the place is a zoo after work. While making my mind up, the old story about how changes at the begining of the trip effect things that happen during the trip. ( will I see any wildlife ??) Timing is so critical. Your neighbor saw it ! two minutes later you didn't ! same road same everything.
Well back to the Owl. I stopped and then headed out of town on the old road along the lake. I had read on the Internet where a Boreal Owl had been seen along the route, but thought I had a chance of a snowball in h--- of seeing it.
Wrong ! There it was Small as can be, alone in a bare tree with the lake for back ground.
I took many images but it was tuff, the sun is off to my left lighting the bird behind from the side.
So I kick up the onboard flash and fired a few more. this was one of them.
After I went back to the Van to warm up, It flew to a nearby evergreen which would put in in direct early morning sun. See the next post for that shot.
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There are 14 Comments in 1 Pages
Larry Hammond Larry Hammond   {K:16631} 3/14/2005
Just noticed you changed cameras and lens between these shots. He sat there and watched you do flash and had lot of fun with him friend.

So cool. so you went with the shorter D-70 lens you mean then?



Jimmy Payne   {K:21163} 3/8/2005
Wow! Jim, what a great shot. Glad to see such a clear, sharp shot like this from your 20D and the 70-200mm L lens. Just this afternoon, I ordered the 70-200 L lens and the EF II 2x converter. I've only had my 20D for 3 weeks and have fallen in love with it.
Regards, Jimmy


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 3/7/2005
This too, just so perfect! Lucky you taking and having all these wonderful photos!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 3/3/2005
Cuteness personified and a wonderful shot to boot!!
What a great catch, Jim!!
Best regards, Chris


Den Thompson   {K:30432} 3/3/2005
Optimism and pessimism are two things we should disregard Jim. Just live in expectation of the unexpected. That's my philsophy anyhow. I've been so absorbed with your about - great write up and this pic is magnificent. Don't understand how you've only got 9 comments.


Lee Harris   {K:14694} 3/3/2005
There ya go Jim...right place at the right time.
Cool shot...


Sarah Hansegard   {K:4332} 3/3/2005
PS. How do you like your 20D??



Sarah Hansegard   {K:4332} 3/3/2005
I love these owl shots-just saw another's work that had some excellent shots of them too---this little guy is so cute...I really enjoyed looking at this series you posted-thank you!



Michele Berti   {K:14921} 3/2/2005
wow! even better! another great one!


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 3/2/2005
Such a great ball of feathers. They must be very small. That blue is great for the background. Another great work. Don.


Patrick Ziegler Patrick Ziegler   {K:21797} 3/2/2005
Jim, First of all, Great catch! Great details. Excellent Photograph!

Isn't it strange how these things just seem to happen. I think it's what keeps me going with my photography. I'll hike or drive around for hours sometimes and then as if by magic there it is. And after the moment has passed and the film is exposed I get this feeling that what just happend came to be because I was there to shoot it. Like a gift. I caught a program on PBS the other day where an older Native American was talking about thier ritual of Vision Quest. I was amazed how what he had to say related to photography, Nature and wildlife photography especialy. If you go into the woods or up on the mountain to meet with a Mt. lion or a Bald Eagle or whatever you are going to see, If you have the patience it will happen.

I am not a very religious or spiritual person but whenever these things happen to me I allway get this feeling that it was intended to happen. I allways find myself saying, "Thank you." to myself, However, I'm not real sure whoo I am thanking.

So, I have to wonder if this little rare Owl had some knowledge of your quest and gave you this shot. Perhapes he even understood your lighting woes and moved to give you a better shot.

Or maybe you just got lucky...........?

Well done and thanks for your words on the Canada Geese photo.



Jim Christensen   {K:18843} 3/2/2005
Thank you so much for the comment, its good to hear from you again, its been a while.
hope this finds you fine and shooting !!


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 3/2/2005
Wowwwww Jim..The contrast and lighting works well together.
All the from Amsterdam,


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 3/2/2005
A beautiful shot here, too, Jim! A great catch!




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