Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 12/2/2004
Congrats on passing and a very nice shot to celebrate with Margaret
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 12/2/2004
Neil, let me have your e-mail address and a phone no. to denthompson8@aol.com Den
Neil Niamh White
{K:9165} 12/2/2004
Thanks for that. Don't think it makes a lot of difference but you obviously managed to lighten the ground area more than I did.
Did you select the whole photo or just the ground area? It's the partial selection process that is really bugging me with PS Elements. What are you using for yours?
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 12/2/2004
Ok that makes sence, from the angle it look like a PA-18.. Enjoy it. I had my cert for many years, my father owned a Cessna 422 that we both flew a lot. I let my cert lapse but someday soon I will re-cert.
Neil Niamh White
{K:9165} 12/2/2004
Hi Chris,
I agree it's nice, but it's not a Piper. It's actually an Auster D4 (a British made side by side seating aircraft made in 1961) There is some relationship in it's ancestery with the Piper PA18 Cub, in that Piper and Taylor jointly produced the predecessor of the Cub and Auster. Before it changed its name the Auster was produced under the name of Taylorcraft Auster.
Sorry for some boring history there, but just had to set the record right. :)
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 12/2/2004
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 12/1/2004
Neil, I hadn't realised you'd posted the original. Have had a crack at that also as attached. I think the foreground is too underexposed to be completely successful but here you go. Den
Chris Lauritzen
{K:14949} 12/1/2004
Congrats and and nice PA-18 there.
Neil Niamh White
{K:9165} 12/1/2004
In part.. yes. But the main problem was when I started with the originalI couldn't find a way of fixing just the part below the sky without causing a narrow dark band to appear, where I couldn't easily include that small strip when I was selecting the area to "enhance". So it leaves this narrow darker strip between what I've adjusted and the sky. I'm just wondering if there are any techniques for selecting these sort of small narrow areas more easily.
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 12/1/2004
CONGRATULATIONS Neil. Very well done. Is this the attached what you're looking for. Den
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/1/2004
Sorry I can't help you with any PS advice Neil, but CONGRATULATIONS! on getting your PPL! It's a great achievement and you should be proud of it! And congrats on your fifth ownership of this plane as well, "have fun dragging your tail"! Dave.
Neil Niamh White
{K:9165} 12/1/2004
See "about" - this is the original.