Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 11/15/2004
Wonderful shot Tim. Great Color and great composition. You done good my friend ;-) Really good jimc
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 11/14/2004
hi Istvan,
check out the rest of my portfolio...its full of the rugged westcoast
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 11/14/2004
Very moody Tim. It's geting quite chilly here now and I can feel it in this shot. Great. Den
{K:3770} 11/14/2004
Beautifull land, nice Photo. It could be very
good excursion. Canada is realy wunderfull. I visited only Calgary, Benf, Edmonton and Quebec. Shere with us more photos about the nature of Canada.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 11/14/2004
hi Hugo, its the weather thats changing.Thats why the photos are so much more overcast...not much sun ever at this time of the year. in fact we have no power for the second time this month due to the storms raging through. The water in front of my house is covered in froth from the wind and rain.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 11/14/2004
Hi Tim, The subdued tones (nice, for a change...;o)) create a very powerful atmosphere, almost mystical. Veri intersting to see how much attention the smoke in the background attracts, also assisting in the build-up of the tension and atmosphere. Very well captured, a mesmerising scene, and what a beautiful part of the world. Can imagine this gets the photographers blood in any of us running....
Debarshi Duttagupta
{K:26815} 11/14/2004
Great shot !
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 11/14/2004
impressive.. many thanks roby
Roberto Carli
{K:13689} 11/14/2004
Very good composition,well done!!!
Alessandro Berselli
{K:2920} 11/14/2004
Very good shot, with your picture you have told realy how is the natural life in Vancouver island. Good composition, excellent color an contrast. This is a landscape picture. Congratulation Alessanro.
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 11/14/2004
Very nice landscape, moody yet nice vivid colors and great detail and composition.....