I know everybody is now in autumn mood. Though I like autumn colours, too, I cannot pass on digging out my enchanting memories of Butchart Garden in Victoria, Canada, last spring. Victoria, Vancouver Island and there especially that gareden are among the most captivating places I have seen. So I hope you do not mind to share a few spring memories (two more to come). Since I am leaving for a 3 week vacation trip to Canada soon, this is also a goodby for a while to my dear friends at usefilm. See you here again in November.... and thanks for all your encouraging and friendly comments. Jorg
wow......I am a Dutch tulip....I live in Holland and you know we have a lot different kinds of tulips...this one is really lovely...great lighting and shades....so tender soft pink....love it
I was wondering where you were getting the tulips from. I have been to Butchart Gardens just once and will never forget the experience; it's so beautiful, hope to go back sometime.
This is really a fantastic floral photograph, well done. Have a good vacation, look forward to seeing your holiday photos!! Lori :)