another angle on the same subject as my first pinhole, this was taken earlier in the day with no clouds and LOTS more sunlight. I have only used B&W paper, I would be interested in any info on maybe using color? Any help would be appreciated, I havent studied pin hole photography much yet but it really captivates me.
hello, I see, we do the same things now - and this pinhole business is really fun - for color I would use film (check out the link to David Balihar on my website concerning cameras and color pinholing ...) - and now I have to check your portfolio :)
Excellent pinhole work. This one has an almost infrared feeling to it.(I've noticed that when I use paper negatives they tend to look more "infrared" than when I use film negs).
Since you are getting into the wonderful world that is all things pinhole, I have a couple links for you to check out. There should be info on colour pinhole work too. Enjoy and keep on posting these images :)