This is my first submission to Usefilm - I'm excited to have found this forum!
This is a friend's wakeboard sitting on the dock, waiting to be loaded into the boat for an early morning session on the lake. The colors seem to "pop out" more in the actual print, but I don't know how to capture that in a scan.
I agree the color on the board is a bit faded, but I think that's a scanner issue, because the colors seem much brighter on the actual print.
I run into the same problem with 100 v 400 v 800... I try to match the ASA # to my goal for the pictures, but I can't afford to "waste" film by switching from 100 to 800, for example, half-way through the roll if lighting or what have you changes. But I will keep experimenting!
Okay, I showed you mine, now I am looking at yours! I am not criticizing this as I am far from being a critic, being relatively novice. The color is good on the holder but the board itself is faded.(in my eye) I am goingto use asa 100 on outdoor pictures as one of my critics suggested it. I have been using 800 because sometimes I am out all day and lighting does change as the day wears on. I also have a book of pictures that shows abstract topics. i am going to play with objects and keep experimenting Have fun!