evreniz e.
{K:5484} 10/2/2003
Very good shot.. Yes you are right, our post processing approaches are looks so similiar :)
I also looked your other photographs, everyone of them are very impressive in my opinion. I'll look forward to see more from you..
Ciao, M.
Kala Wlodarczyk
{K:2567} 9/25/2003
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 9/25/2003
it's brilliant and i think high key could really work.. gonna check your site - R
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 9/25/2003
Excellent work.
Czarny Kwadrat
{K:100} 9/25/2003
Just upgraded their eyes. Be welcome to my website: www.czarnykwadrat.republika.pl where I put the new version (I decided to keep the backgound dark). Thanks & Cheers!
Czarny Kwadrat
{K:100} 9/25/2003
By the way... I picked this guy and his dog on the street, but it wasn't easy to persuade the dog to stand still ;-)
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 9/25/2003
I like the muted background, as the emotion and feeling really comes through. Excellent selective colouring... the slight flesh tones and the dog's eyes really bring some character to the image.
Czarny Kwadrat
{K:100} 9/25/2003
Thanks for the nice words :) Btw... "Czarny Kwadrat" is not my real name. In polish it means "Black Square" :) Btw... I was wandering wheter it would be better to make the background high-key. What do you think? Cheers!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 9/25/2003
Excellent portrait Czarny
Czarny Kwadrat
{K:100} 9/25/2003
Kita & Manuela: thanks for the suggestions, I will work those eyes out :)
Manuela Filip
{K:1657} 9/25/2003
the guy looks frozen!...I agree with KM on the dog's eyes...it would be a way to communicate for the two characters. Nice mood though :)
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 9/25/2003
very moving-I would love to see the dog's eyes a bit more.
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 9/25/2003
Wonderfully expressive photo. Great tones and textures and mood.
Lars Raun
{K:1701} 9/25/2003
I love it. Great style and expression. VERY well done.
Richard Marriner
{K:6657} 9/25/2003
The expressions are great! It seems like you've done a few things with PS and ended up with a quirky image that really works quite well.