Burak Disbudak
{K:363} 8/5/2005
I was looking at the smaller version of this picture and I have a big mistake! coat rack seems like post Good work! Thank you for your comment to my scrap dealer fly photo.
Ornella Erminio
{K:4881} 8/4/2005
Idea geniale, bravissimo, ciao Ornella
Geza Farkas
{K:12412} 7/30/2003
Nice idea again. Congratulation.
evreniz e.
{K:5484} 7/16/2003
Oo cok yaratici.. Tebrik ederim..
Selamlar, Murat.
PS: Hayri Caliskanin uyarisini pek yerinde buldum..
Bikramadittya G. Roy
{K:7202} 7/16/2003
Gtreat Idea. Nice rendition. The Subtleness of the colours is very effective. Regards.
{K:16195} 7/16/2003
Great still life an excellent composition. Perfect idea, I like alot. Regards, Hayri. P.s. Attantion for the horrizon 1 dec. tilted. Any way this is perfect work.

Erkut Tekeli
{K:241} 7/16/2003
Cok guzel... elinize saglik.