Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/13/2009
thank you so much for your kind feelings ,and for understanding, my appreciations,to you and yours, Saad.
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 7/13/2009
Saad, this photo and about is a very emotional... not only for you... for me too. I try to imagine your situation and I recall my grandparents talks about The Second World War... it was a bad time...
my best to you and your family
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/9/2009
thank you so much my friend for your feelings and good wishes, all my respect and regards, Saad.
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 7/9/2009
What can I say... It's always the people who just want to live normally in peace suffer the most because of some sick plans of such leaders/litters like Mr Bush who believe in their mad visions and don't look at HUMANS. The photo is beautiful; I hope he will live in better world, even if this world for sure will have a scar because of the Litter of America and his crew.
My best wishes, Ania
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/8/2009
thank you so much for your emotions,feelings and wishes, my dear Ray the damage is devastating one,morally more than physically,the last can be repaired so easily within few years,but the moral one I guess it will leave a huge uneraseable mark, my regards, Saad.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 7/8/2009
I truely and deeply feel your emotions over this issue and cannot begin to imagine the depravation you have suffered in all this time. Bush and co have left a lasting mark upon your country and in the history books. We are left with the hope that out of the rubble the phoenix will rise. A new president has emerged in that land accross the water, we can only hope that his vision of what is right and wrong will be a significant improvement on his predecessor. I also hope that my own country will never again blindly follow poor examples. I am of an age to have witnessed the damage my country suffered in WW2 and sampled some of the depravation that occured but I think it pales into almost nothing when compared to your country's suffering. I think of you and other friends over there constantly and I wish for you all a return to a wonderful normality and a future of perfect happiness. I haven't commented on your fine shot, your words and the words of others have become far more important than the photograph. Be well my very dear friend and believe that the majority of people in this country dispair over our involvement. My thoughts are with you Saad, with you and your dear family.....My hopes, prayers and wishes for you all......Ray
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 7/5/2009
What you say is the truth, "Ships may drift"... but at the fnal moment, The Captain must save his ship or sink with the ship. Please give MM and my best to your children and your wife.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/5/2009
thank you for your utmost kindness and for your wishes, I wish the same for you and yours ,too. my appreciation, Saad.
Iman Fouad
{K:12295} 7/5/2009
My god ..he is so cute with his peaceful face ..impressive candid message dear Saad..hope tomorrow better than yesterday and u will post another photo for him with a brilliant success when growing inshaAllah..and pray for some peace in this world..god bless your country and hope for more generous presidents around the world.. AMIN.. Best regards, Iman
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 7/5/2009
I can only imagine the constant heat with little or no comfort or relief from it. I have a house with concrete walls and lots of insulation. It is my salvation in the hot days of summer because it stays cool. My best to you and all the people in your country trying to bring it back from this very difficult time. be well, Stan
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/5/2009
thank you Sir, I am doing my best, but sometimes the ships drifts against their captains will. my greetings to MM,and Chris. Saad.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/5/2009
thank you so much dear Aziz,
I hope I get it right,LOL. it is always joyful to hear from you dear brother, Saad.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/5/2009
thank you so much my dear Stanko, my best wishes of health and happiness, Saad.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 7/5/2009
thank you so much dear friend, the mere cause of posting shots like this by me,is to show people ,honest people like yourself,and all those who oppose their administration policy,that they are standing in the right place. just be informed my dear Stan,this kid is being envied in Iraq,cause his house has a cellar. my appreciation, Saad.
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 7/5/2009
PERFECT, .. Bush and not Busch in our language (Farsi, Persian) means " Its odor " ! Once Ahmadinejad had told him " If you are ITS ODOR , I am ITSELF " !! (lol)
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 7/5/2009
Thank you for sharing a photo of a family member. It is moments like this when people of the world can realize that human beings are basically the same... no matter what country. We live, we love and we die. We leave nthing ehind but our name... and our children. As for the rest of your about, I have learned this many, many years ago: "Never discuss sports, religion or politics with a friend." I will say that our children may make the world a better place... and that is what a true parent would love...
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 7/5/2009
Great capture,great idea. But reptile never will understand Human. My best wishes Saad. Stan~
Stan Hill
{K:35352} 7/5/2009
I feel your frustration and ire over a mission that accomplished much more than justice for your people. The time has come for all good people to find a way to unite and make some real change for the good in your devastated country. I too will never forget the harm bestowed upon you by the people without a real plan. I am shocked and awed and the inhumane treatment and sabotage that your country has been thrown in by Mr Bush and his ill advised crew of leaders. My hope is that some way that it can change for your good. Be well, Stan