Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 11/4/2008
Fajne! Perfekcyjne b/w jak dla mnie. Dobre pytanie zadałaś odnosnie głębi ostrości - dzięki odpowiedziom i ja się czegoś nauczę:) pozdrawiam! ania
Marta .
{K:2053} 11/4/2008
Dziekuje Teresa :) Masz racje, czasem nawet trudno ostrosc dobrze nastawic w takich sytuacjach. Nie sposob zawsze wszystkiego przewidziec ...
pozdrawiam serdecznie M.
Marta .
{K:2053} 11/4/2008
Thanks Rasna :)
cheers M.
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 11/4/2008
A mnie sie podoba takie, jakie zrobilas. Przeciez to street shot, jest spontaniczne, takie jakie powinno byc. Ale to mije zdanie. Zobaczysz jak bedziesz robic nastepne juz bedziesz zwracac uwage na tlo rowniez. pozdrawiam teresa
Rasna 69
{K:8916} 11/4/2008
..io la trovo molto divertente,bellissimo il B/W! Ciao:)
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 11/4/2008
Glad I could help a little. You have a nice portfolio. Thanks for asking the question... most of us are here to learn. Good luck to you! :)
Marta .
{K:2053} 11/4/2008
Thank you Brigitte, you helped me a lot :)
Thank you once again :)))
have a nice day M.
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 11/4/2008
You're welcome Marta.
Here's a quick DOF edit I did to your photo using PaintShopPro XI. Rather than make layers, I can just use a "soften brush" and paint around the areas I want to show up as being out of focus. You'll probably get better results. Be sure to work off the original larger image for best results.

Marta .
{K:2053} 11/4/2008
Thanks Supriyo for your help..I will try to learn sth new, I mean PS. You are right it's very useful sometimes.
best wishes M.
Supriyo R. Sarkar
{K:7582} 11/4/2008
Try to develop some Photoshop skill. Because for some time in post production that is very necessary. The photoshop tutorial will help you a lot.
Marta .
{K:2053} 11/4/2008
Thank you Brigitte, very useful website...why didn't I find it before I have no idea. I will study it in a free time and try to improve this pic. and boast about the effects ;)
Thank you once again :) cheers M.
Marta .
{K:2053} 11/4/2008
In colour version it's nave and black, so the colours also melt into each other :( The problem is that both characters are too close , as you said, and in basic Photo editing softwares it's imposibble to blur only the lady without bluring the man :( Maybe in PS - working with layers could help..but I have no idea what to start with ;)

Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 11/4/2008
Nice shot Marta!
Here's a link to the PhotoShop DOF Tutorial: http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/depth-of-field/
Best wishes, Brigitte
Supriyo R. Sarkar
{K:7582} 11/4/2008
Actually the main character and that black dressed lady both are in black and position wise both are too close. For that reason DFO of the background is bit high. Now you can blur the back ground little bit in any photo editing software for decreasing DFO. And I think in B&W photograph black and white color combination in foreground and background is very impotent
Marta .
{K:2053} 11/4/2008
You are right :) That's why I put this pic in #38 Photo Help Project, because I don't know how to decrease DOF to eliminate the background in some degree..
Thanks Supriyo for visiting :) hugs M.
Supriyo R. Sarkar
{K:7582} 11/4/2008
Classic shot.Nice mood capture. But I think the lady with black dress in background is little bit disturbing. May be I am wrong but I think so.