very soon you will have a real war again there with bellies ripped open and throats cut and children tortured and your women raped. you really never learn anything from your own history and have forgotten all
0900H, 24 NOVEMBER 2007, SATURDAY CAMP MADAWIG 450fps@.20
East meets West in a battle for supremacy.
One day... multiple missions in a challenging terrain...
Who will survive and triumph?
Precision will be key.
The clock is ticking...
But who will you trust?
a. M4 (Firebase Tundra) : 150 troops
Players 18 years and above who have any M4 AEG variant that passes the 450fps limit set using .20g plastic bbs. M4 players are required to wear any complete patterned BDU (upper and lower garment, i.e. Woodland, Multicam, Acupat, Marpat, etc.) for identification during the entire game.
b. AK (Camp Ahlakbarik) : 150 freedom fighters
Players 18 years and above who have any AK AEG variant that passes the 450fps limit set using .20g plastic bbs. AK players are required to wear jeans as the lower garment and any plain/unpatterned upper garment that can give ample player protection, i.e. plain OD, black, brown, gray, etc., for identification during the entire game. Other “rebel” looking loadouts (i.e. Taliban, Afghan, etc.) are also acceptable.
c. Mercenaries (Sector 8) : 50 mercenaries
Players 18 years and above who have any AEG other than the M4 and AK variants that passes the 450fps limit set using .20g plastic bbs. Mercenaries or “Mercs” will be banded but are encouraged to be in contractor loadout.
WARNING : Due to the extremely challenging terrain of Camp Madawig, players who have health concerns should visit their physicians before joining this event.
This event has limited slots for 350 participants only, so the “first come, first served” policy will be enforced. Players who have purchased tickets during the pre-selling period will be entertained first. Those who do not have tickets can buy at the registration booth on game day. Pre-selling period starts on 29 October. Please contact any UAA core member (Fallujah, RAMrod, Church, Captain, Sgtoinky, Ginson) or SWAK coordinators (Griffin, Pyromasta, Ripley). The availability of tickets at select airsoft shops and gunrunners will be announced later. Waivers will also be available during the preselling peri
Ow, you were captured as the imperialist enemy ... ;-) There are communist rebels ? I did hear of islamic fighters. Well good you did not make them angry. Good capture.