Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 4/3/2008
This image is one of my favourite, I am very glad because you like it my dear friend!
John Hatz
{K:156973} 4/3/2008
ohhh...so wonderful moment Igor, oh my God...animals many times acts much better that we do! :-D I love that photo, it's really so sweet... complements for the beautiful moment you share with us! be well!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 4/1/2008
This image is one of my favourite Pamela, I am very glad because you like it!! Big hug! Thank's!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 4/1/2008
Thank's a lot Diana, I am glad you like it!
. B
{K:1815} 3/31/2008
Hi Igor:) I was looking at those puppies and wanting them for my own! Great moment, they're so sweet! Great job.
Diana Hunter
{K:516} 3/30/2008
Very Sweet, and your poem fits so well.
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/28/2008
Thank You very much dear Michele for your nice word and positive comments! This image is on of my favorite, great scene!!!
Have a nice weekend!
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 3/28/2008
Dear Igor ... I probably can not say anything that has not been said already but I have not read any of the comments I just BET they are wonderful as this image and 'about' is ... so heartwarming and cute.. You just want to pick these 2 pups up and hold them :)) I do really like the BG and frame ...it is perfect as well as the entire composition !! Best regards, Michele~
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/27/2008
Thank you Stan very much, I am glad you like this scene of thrue love..
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 3/27/2008
Very lovely capture Igor. Best wishes, Stan
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/26/2008
Thank You Julie, i am glad you like this scene of love..
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/26/2008
Thank You Dave, I appriciate your comment!!!
Have a nice day!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/26/2008
Thak You my dear friend, this one is my favorite scene of love...
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/26/2008
Thank you Svartlav very much!!!
Have a nice day!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/24/2008
Excellent pet shot, Igor! Great looking little puppies! Dave.
Teresa Ferraris
{K:16126} 3/21/2008
Ciao, very sweet photo, Igor. Compliments, and wellcome at Usefilm. See you. teresa
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 3/21/2008
Awwwwww, they are so adorable Igor. So clear and sharp. Nicely done. Best, Julie.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 3/21/2008
Lovely shot with great tenderness ! Well seen and presented Igor !!! I da znas nisam ti bodovala fotke da ti ne oborim rejting ... sto se ovde desava normalno ... inace ih bodujem ... srecno i vidimo se !!!! :)))) Cao, Srna
Burim Luta
{K:5255} 3/20/2008
This must be one of the cutest shot that I have ever seen in here.
Another 7 for you
Best regards Burim
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thank You for your support Biljana, I appriciate that!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thak You Gianna, i am glad you like it!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Hi Alida, thank You very much for your positve critiques and 7+ :), I an soo glad because you like mywork. I appriciate your comment very much!
gianna piano
{K:15530} 3/19/2008
so great tenderness. Lovely shot. g.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 3/19/2008
I am very glad because of 7:)It's very rare here..... Just go on my friend:))
Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 3/19/2008
Excellent image, congrat!!!!!!!!!!!!!7+++++
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thank You Keith for positve critiques and suggestions, I appriciate that!
Have a nice day!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thank You Olga, have a nice day!!!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thank You very much Arif, I am glad you like it!!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thank You Cathy for nice words!!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thanks Nicole, I am glad you like it!!!
Have a nice day!
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thank You Jen, I am glad youlike it, on of my favourite.. I don't know the destiny of this puppies..I hope they are good and helth!
Olga Giraldo
{K:2926} 3/19/2008
Indudablemente tu fotografia revela mucho amor y ternura, Buen trabajo Igor!
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 3/19/2008
they are so so cute!! very nice shot, comliments, arif
Cathy Carroll
{K:28144} 3/19/2008
That is so sweet. They look so little and so fragile. CC
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 3/19/2008
How cute Igor. Good title as well. If i could give one suggestion it would be to crop out some of the space behind the puppies. If you were going to have some space, it would be better in front. In this case just a tighter all round crop. Hope you dont mind the suggestion. Just what i would do. All the best. Keith
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 3/19/2008
Awww...how cute Igor!!!Indeed this is real love:)I like their cute face expression!! Regards,Nicole
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 3/19/2008
Great capture of these cuties Igor, hope they are not homeless...Very well captured, clear ans sharp, great with the poem about love...xxJen
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 3/19/2008
You are welcome my friend:) Hope you enjoy here :) hugssss
Igor Germanovic
{K:899} 3/19/2008
Thank You very much dear Biljana, I am glad you like this scene of love.. :)
Have a nice day!
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 3/19/2008
So very cute dear Igor...They have only each other,but they have love of each other,and it's big,big thing in this cruel world... Very good picture my friend big hug biljana