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Glacial Edge
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Image Title:  Glacial Edge
Favorites: 1 
 By: Tim  Schumm  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Tim  Schumm  Tim  Schumm {Karma:29196}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon D80
Categories Landscape
Film Format digital
Portfolio Antarctica
Mountain Landscapes
Lens Nikon 18-200mmVR
Uploaded 1/6/2008 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 548 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 13 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
Country - Antarctica   Antarctica
About Many of the peaks we pass in the ship stuck out of massive glaciers, enshrouded in swirling mist and wind. Such a dramatic peak surrounded my pure smooth surroundings. The contrast was what drew my interest in trying to capture it.

I am also writing a blog on the trip for the photo software company if you are interested in checking it out. It is still in process I am adding more everyday.
Here is the link:
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There are 13 Comments in 1 Pages
Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 2/15/2008
I guess that depends on your beliefs ( Buddhist )....if i am reborn here it might be hard to escape my previous indulgences....and yours for that


* James * * James *   {K:20200} 2/14/2008
Agreed. Fortunately for us, we wont be around to see the end of it all. That's a consolation at least... will be rough days ahead for future earthlings.



Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 2/14/2008
Welll.....the name human is synonymous with "screwup"...but hey we are intelligent but without wisdom for the most part. I for the most part want to tread lightly. The reality i think is that we are doomed as a species. The Earth doesn't care it will continue to flourish in some form or other.


* James * * James *   {K:20200} 2/14/2008
Thanks Tim. Good to hear what you had to say on the matter. The report I heard did indicate that the research stations were also a source of waste. Apparently there's only one garbageman for Antarctica (an American I believe), and he indicated that he was a bit busy at times. Anyway, hopefully this is one area where we dont screw things up.

Take care.



Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 2/14/2008
Hi James!
the ship (polar Star) i was with, was extremely conscientious about impact to the environment. As far as i could tell nothing was ever left behind other then footsteps. You were restricted as to where you could tread as well as how close you can get to any fauna. I was caught with guilt as to my impact as a tourist but then my not going was not going to stem the interest by the thousands of individuals that want to see it. In fact the awareness it brings may impact the over all impact of what happens down there in a positive way and with people that have the $$$ and connections to implement positive usage and limit abuse of a pristine environment as wittinesses. As for the garbage it must come from all the research stations throughout Antarctica, not the tourist ships...these stations will not be going anywhere and have been there for generations. The tourism there makes their goings on more public and i think keeps them from abusing their usage due to isolation shrouded from the effect without witnesses they might do whatever they want without us ever knowing. We did visit a couple of these outposts. It was not to my interest but just the same it is part of what is going on down there. It would be a life changing experience for you I highly recommend it and in particular the ship we were on!


* James * * James *   {K:20200} 2/14/2008
It is indeed a very nice photo. Very hard to see what might be behind that cloud.

I just saw a news report on Antarctica and how they transport garbage out of there and back to civilization. After seeing that report, I now have second thoughts of going there in the future. I know the place is huge, but reportedly there's garbage laying around from centuries ago since nothing there ever decomposes. Something like 40,000 tourists passed through there last year, probably most of them to all the same places.

I dont mean to cause an argument here, but just curious what your thoughts are on this Tim?

Best wishes ~ James


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 1/6/2008
real impressive, very nice work Tim.


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 1/6/2008


H P H P   {K:1372} 1/6/2008
majestic. best regards.


Debjit Ghosh Debjit Ghosh   {K:3494} 1/6/2008
excellent excellent...:-)


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 1/6/2008
Yes, it really Masterpiece is...
Magnificent capture and place,
very expressive photo,
Congratulations my firend,
Thanks for sharing,
My best,


Tim  Schumm Tim  Schumm   {K:29196} 1/6/2008
Hi Avi....

yeah I think I wore my eye


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 1/6/2008
Yet another masterpiece... this seems relentless euphoria !




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