It was fall of 1986 and Expo was finished in Vancouver. I\'d never used flash before I had bought my two T90\'s and their 300 TL flashes that summer. And now I was learning. And learning I was doing about this rather wonderful bird as I chased it over hill and dale that fall, feeding it raw peanuts whenever I found it. Yes, we\'d become friends by the time this shot was taken, one cold dusk. The bird was swimming back and forth in front of me, maybe 8 feet away as I sat with wet feet at water level. I knew that the fast sync speed of the Tank would not allow the little ambient light to expose the background. I also knew that I could use a small f-stop for sharpness and depth of field...focusing was very difficult. And so I threw the bird another peanut. It caught it in the air. And then it seemed to thank me as it finally swam to where I wanted it to, just when I was ready. And I made this shot; after trying for twenty or so rolls to do so?