Kara BigCanoe
{K:1328} 2/19/2007
Thank you so much Hermen. I really appreciate you taking the time to offer so much very helpful advice. Kind regards, Kara
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 2/18/2007
Hi Kara,
some tips for capturing action images:
- a larger aperture will bring in more light, allowing a shorter shutter time without the image getting too dark. In this case that would have an additional benefit: the depth of focus would have been smaller, and therefore the background (the Sony sign) would have been more blurred and therefore less distracting.
- for shots from the front: think ahead (where will my subject be when I press the shutter button ?) You can put the camera to manual focus, and focus at the point where the action will take place. In this case you could have focused a little bit behind the fence. In this way the camera does not have to (auto)focus, therefore the camera will react faster to pressnig the shutter button.delay after pressing the shutter button.
- for shots from aside: get your subject in the viewfinder and move your camera in the same direction as the moving subject (this is called 'panning'). In this way you can take a longer shutter time compared to the situation that you hold your camera still. An additional benefit is that the background will become blurred, which adds to the sense of motion. In my portfolio you can find an example of this technique (http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=475767)
The latter two techniques require some practicing, so do not be disappointed when it does not work out the first few shots!
Hope this helps.
regards, Hermen
Rafael Almeida
{K:1035} 1/24/2007
Great momento you capture Kara.
this its a dificul shot but you did it well
Kara BigCanoe
{K:1328} 1/24/2007
Thank you for your advice, Joe. We were seated about ten rows back and only the arena itself was lit. I will try to touch up the background to remove the words on the signs.
Cheers, Kara
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 1/24/2007
I think you've done pretty good with this shot. I suspect the conditions would be rather challenging. The lighting is likely not the best. Not sure how much help I can be but here are some things that come to mind. I would try to get a close as possible to the action and zoom in on the rider and/or horse. The signs being in sharp focus are a little distracting. Good shot specially considering. All the best.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/24/2007
Great photograph , great timing
All of the best my friend