Ilir Bekteshi
{K:86} 9/4/2006
Thank you Mimoza. You are a great artist, and your comments are very important for me
Regards, Ilir
mimoza veliu
{K:481} 9/4/2006
great composition ilir. best regards, mimoza
Ilir Bekteshi
{K:86} 8/29/2006
Falemnderit shoku Luan,
Kritikat tua kane peshe te madhe ne krijimtarine time te metutjeshme.
Te falemnderit shume
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 8/29/2006
Excellent collage with lovely colours and details. Every picture has a very well balanced composition and is a pleasure to see. Really well done, Ilir! Regards, Paolo P.S. Thanks for your comment.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/28/2006
great detaails. marvelous collage.wonderful composition.
Luan Rexha
{K:622} 8/28/2006
Mire se erdhe ne Usefilm Ilir Nje triptih i shkelqyer, me ngjyra fantastike 1, 2, 3 gjethe, njė simbolikė e nje rreshti qe vjen e shtohet, shpresoj dhe te uroj qe keshtu te shtohen edhe fotot e tua te ardhshme artistike Me fat shoku Ilir Tung nga luki
Ilir Bekteshi
{K:86} 8/25/2006
Thanx Paolo
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 8/25/2006
nice trilogy well composed! so creative