João F * Photography
{K:41945} 8/15/2006
Kes great work too again congratulations i realy admire your photos!! regards jo
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 8/13/2006
Hi Kes,
About three weeks after we got the kayaks, I wrapped my camera in a zip-lock bag and put it in the kayak. Of course, I had to slip getting in and half tipped the boat, half filling it with water. The zip-lock bag was only partially closed. :( I ran the wet camera up to the cottage as fast as I could, dismantled it as much as I could and sat there with a hair dryer for about a half an hour. It seemed okay for a while, and worked okay, but some water must have gotten in because it took about four days for condensation to completely dissapear from the inside of the lcd screen. Lucky for me, the lens was okay. Anyway, I'm still taking it with me in the boats, so I guess I didn't learn anything from my stupidity :) The pictures are worth it sometimes.
Thanks for the info on the cabin. As I said before, the image could have come from the late 1800's or early 1900's. So I guess I was half right.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 8/12/2006
Hey Andre, a kayak and a camera...sounds dangerous! And fun! It's a little harder to reduce camera shake in a boat.
btw, that bio-pic's cabin is called "Red Cabin". It was built in 1902 by a group of gold prospectors from Pueblo, Colorado, and had a red painted roof. Paul Huntley wrote about it in his book "Black Mountain Cowboys". He was a young boy living in the area when it was built.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 8/12/2006
Hi Kes, I got a few more nice ones along these lines this past weekend. I'm definitely going to try a couple out this week. I got a few from a kayak. The morning sun was shining into about 8 feet of mildly rippling water. Lots of nice long weeds waving around under the surface. Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 7/6/2006
Hi Kes, I took a couple of shots up at the cottage with a similar flavour to them as this one. (submerged lily pads) I may eventually get round to doing one of them. I'm thinking maybe a multiple image sort of. BTW That's a great bio pic that you are using. Looks like you stepped right out of the 1800's. Andre
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 7/3/2006
Another amazing pond image Kes! Love it- so intriguing I'd look for ages. And love that colour.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 7/1/2006
A well done conversion to these soft sepia tones Kes. A very peaceful glimpse into your pond my friend and imagination needed to ascertain what lies on the surface and beneath the surface. A lovely tranquil shot. Cheers Kes....Ray
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 7/1/2006
Doesn't matter! Not your sea just your pond but in my favourite sepia tones. Excellent mood, love the peaceful atmosphere, with great feeling. Absolutely original idea, well done my friend.
Have a nice day dear Kes Robert
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 7/1/2006
Woah... this is a very cool shot! At first I had no clue what it is, and that is the beauty of abstracts! Now I see though, and I love it! The coloring, lighting, contrast, grain, and everything else just works so well together to create this mood... and I love it! Excellent work :) ~Rachel~
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 7/1/2006
Another interesting and pleasant abstract. There is lots of photographic potential in your pond. Good eye, Kes!
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 7/1/2006
Precioso abstracto...me gusta cómo le sienta el sepia!!! Felicitaciones!!!
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/1/2006
Interesante abstracto. Felicitaciones!