c c
{K:13449} 11/30/2003
This is one of my favorites, I love the blue eyes! I really like the tight cropping and the tones are perfect! Great job! Charisse
Mike Scott
{K:1817} 3/13/2003
Frankly, I find the eye color in an otherwise B&W image a bit disturbing. It?s a beautiful portrait. I?d like to see it all in color or B&W.
franco babbo
{K:-205} 3/11/2003
nice expression and good crop
Andre Cajot
{K:7793} 3/11/2003
Fine shot Miro.
J.T. Lovell
{K:149} 3/10/2003
This is a great shot. I don?t find the stray hairs to be a problem, but I do agree that the glare on the lip is a bit distracting. I think that you?ve accomplished the goal of the ?intimate portrait?. Even if you hadn?t told us that this is your daughter, I would have thought that this is a person that you know well. You have managed to capture a real intensity with her gaze and her enigmatic smile.
ws b
{K:62} 3/10/2003
Great shot. A bit soft but otherwise, well done.
{K:2731} 3/10/2003
I agree with Kerri, just one more comment, the eye's are a little on the soft side, I would touch up with the sharp filter in ps. Nicely composed, excellent lighting. Nice work.
Kerri Turgeon
{K:208} 3/10/2003
Very nice! I would clean up the stray hairs in Photoshop as well as the little white glare on her lip. Other than that - I love it! She has a face worthy of a close up!