vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 2/11/2006
Fantastic portrait ..nice effect.best wishes nessa
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/9/2006
oooo dear Drilan!!!!! this is very beautiful portrait!!!!!! superb work by you!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!! bravo!!!! my very best regards Marian
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/9/2006
marvelous work intense drilan.. bravo! roby
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 2/9/2006
Je veux bien, mais on ne saura jamais qui regarde et qui ne regarde pas; quand même un grand nombre qui passe, anyway. Vous fendez les cheveux en quatre :))))
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 2/9/2006
You mean the Usefilm Photographers Currently On Line. I asked the question why this number is rising so strong, but got no answer so far. From another question I know that this figure contains also the search engines (a few thousend!). And I suppose, that if you login but don't explicitely logoff, you stay online into infinity, although you are not viewing a single image.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 2/9/2006
Interesting effect and handled very nicely. I like it!
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 2/9/2006
Oui le chiffre apparaît dans la bande bleue du site et ça varie entre 10,000 et 10,900; eh oui!
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 2/9/2006
Very beautiful, superb, Drilan. It took a while until I figured out that the title was Arline and not Airline. I was confused;) But excellent done!
Regards, Markus
PS: I did not understand the figures of the viewers in your last post, 10800 viewers?
Nicolas Iordănescu
{K:3193} 2/9/2006
Just lovely. It has the quality of another time. Well done!!! Nikko
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 2/9/2006
Merci Rashed ; si vous vous promenez dans mes pages vous en trouverez d'autres. drilan
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 2/9/2006
very beautiful and creative ,nice to see an image out of an enlarger here with todays digital technologies , wonderful job my friend and all of the best .