Krista Chamberlain
{K:1003} 5/2/2005
Hey Bunns what a cute baby, Where ever did you find him LOL!!!! Krista
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/29/2005
Marcus, thank you so much for your comment, it's greatly appreciated! Bunnie
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 4/28/2005
Beautiful portrait series, the lighting and tones are perfect, I love his expression. very nicely done....
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/27/2005
Jan, OMG...I love it!!! yes I have received some great information!!! Don't mind at all...we all have to work together here...as you can see I'm just getting to my computer tonight..and it's time to go to bed...there's always tomorrow!! Thanks for all your help!!
Jan .
{K:8693} 4/26/2005
Bunnie...some great advice you've gotten. Such a cute shot, definately worth doing a little work on!! Hope you don't mind...

Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/26/2005
David thank you for your critique!!! I really do appreciate any help I can get. I was in this big fat hurry to get this pic up and didn't take time to really look at it. I will try the contrast adjustment. Thanks again!
Bunnie Chamberlain
{K:443} 4/26/2005
Evelyn, thank you, this is the only way I'm going to learn.. I had just taken a PS class that day and came home to try it out...Guess I was exhausted and overwhelmed and need to review my notes...LOL I thought his eyes looked kinda funny also! I'm going to work on it tonight and give it another try..=:) thanks again
David Hofmann
{K:22223} 4/26/2005
loveley moment. I agree the eyes look a little odd because of the red eye removal. I also think it might look good to increase the contrast a little
Evelyn Nilsen
{K:3756} 4/26/2005
Hi, Bunnie. You have some great portraits of kids - very cute. I think on this one you tried to do a red-eye correction? You might want to try that again with a little different settings or maybe a different program - not all are created equal! I'm assuming it's a correction, anyway, that left odd rings in his pupils and set differently so he looks a bit cock-eyed. (That's one reason I checked your portfolio - to make sure he wasn't before I put my foot in my mouth!) I love the expression, and expect he will be a fishin' partner before too long at all - nearly as soon as he breaks his first bronco!