Donna Johnson
{K:9906} 4/6/2005
I love this shot, and the work you did on it!!
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 3/26/2005
Merci beaucoup! Lost in translation est un beau film :) see you later, drilan
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 3/26/2005
Thank you Drilan!
I think a lot gets lost in translation, and I'm so sorry I don't speak French (such a beautiful language). I understand more of what you mean about your photograph. You have a nice portfolio, Drilan. Some very stunning pictures!
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 3/26/2005
Oh! je ne voulais pas les comparer, mais plutôt mettre les deux faits en opposition; un qui soulève de la compassion parce que c'est un drame, la privation d'une liberté et l'autre qui... est une démonstration de ce que peut faire la popularité, l'argent, le pouvoir et la mediatisation pour ?effacer? ou retourner en sa faveur un crime, puisqu'elle à été condamnée pour cela, qui n'attire aucune compassion. Un anonyme aurait fait la même chose et il aurait tout perdu, et sa chemise. La criminelle est applaudie et l'autre pas. Les photos ne sont pas de moi et c'est dit dans ?about?. C'est une belle composition que vous avez là. drilan
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 3/25/2005
Dirck - you are so right! I was laughing when I first started working with this photo because I was thinking no women really wear make-up to bed. Then I was thinking of daydreaming (since it's light) and that was the mood I was in. I had just gotten back from shopping, put my bags down and fell in love the way the light was hitting the bed. It was cold that day and it all looked so warm and dreamy, I had to take a photo - BUT, no one else would know that :) so yes, you are right, the make-up here is out of place - lol!
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 3/25/2005
This really did come out nicely, Andrea! The lighting is exquisite and nicely exposed for the highlights, and I think the soft focus is great and very appropriate for the subject and the light, creating a great, dreamy effect! Nice composition, too, with three diagonal 'layers' formed by your face, the white sheet, and the embroidered material in the foreground. The only thing I find a little 'off' in this is the eye-shadow and lip gloss - for a straight portrait they'd be great, but maybe a little out of place in this context?
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 3/25/2005
A really nice picture. Congratulations.
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 3/25/2005
Thanks! I posted this and the "shed" photo later in the afternoon and as soon as I did, the page was filled with new photos - must have been a busy time. I have a picture of my daughter in this same light and spot that I like. I will probably post it this week. Thanks so much for your advice/comments.
steven carter
{K:2140} 3/25/2005
I think this is the best image that I have seen from you. I love the lighting, the shadows and the nice peaceful mood, I really think you did a great job on the exposure on the whites. I agree with Dan this photo should have gotten more comments. You should be proud of this one
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 3/25/2005
This is a very beautiful image , It has not recieved enough attention
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 3/24/2005
I really like this Andrea. The shadows add a nice effect. Nice softness and good tones!