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Gray Wolf in fog
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Image Title:  Gray Wolf in fog
Favorites: 7 
 By: James Hager  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer  James Hager {Karma:6285}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon Eos 1d Mark II
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio Mammals - North America
Lens Canon EF 100-400 f4.5-5.6L IS
Uploaded 1/12/2005 Film / Memory Type Lexar 2GB 80x CF
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1054 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 32 Rating
/ 13 Ratings
Location City -  Sandstone
Country - United States   United States
About Location: Sandstone, Minnesota, USA (captive)
Capture: Canon EOS-1D Mk II, EF 100-400 f4.5-5.6L IS (at 100mm), 1/750, f8, ISO 200
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There are 32 Comments in 1 Pages
Garold Jennings Garold Jennings   {K:2513} 1/8/2006
Great photograph. A favorite of mine.


Guido Fulgenzi   {K:6076} 4/12/2005
A beautiful shot for sure,the atmosphere and the capture are great!


Andries Kleynhans Andries Kleynhans   {K:666} 1/16/2005
I love this shot James. I like the focal point being the rippels in the water and the rock even leads your eye in that direction.


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 1/15/2005
Perfect composition. Wonderful mood and beautiful capture James. I see that you did upload quite a few images here lately. To much to comment in one time, but I will do so shortly. Thanks for your comments on my images. I did upload the "Eagle At Sunset" on more sites and you are the first one who to;d me that the eagle doesn't add to the image. I might clone it out and upload it at some other sites as a sunset by itself....Cheers, Harry


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 1/15/2005
Very moody shot, James. I like the way you captured this scene, retaining some of the contrasts and details in the wolf, and agian a very playful use of the composition to get the wolf in the clearing in the reflection. Although this also results in a somewhat centered composiiotn, the staticness also infleicts the atmosphere; calm, silent and crisp. Awesome capture.




James Hager   {K:6285} 1/13/2005
That's a great area Peta. Enjoy. I look forward to some wonderful images when you get back.


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 1/13/2005
Flying into Wellington, then hiking just in the South Island for 2 weeks : ) Milford Sound, cant wait!


James Hager   {K:6285} 1/13/2005
Where are you going in New Zealand Peta?


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 1/13/2005
Africa! Oh man I am green with envy! The best I can do is New Zealand at the end of February, so hoping to get amazing pics there to show you.


James Hager   {K:6285} 1/13/2005
I sure am busy Peta. Busy processing the shots I've taken on recent trips. I'll give you all a break in about a week because I'll be heading to Africa for two months. When I get back, I hope to see some of your new posts.


p e t a . p e t a .   {K:18700} 1/13/2005
Hi James, you're a busy many pics I cant keep up!

What a special shot this is! I imagine your heart was pounding at the time. Just gorgeous.


John Rusinko   {K:401} 1/13/2005
Breath taking and inspiring! I know it has been said before, but it is a cover shot!


Michael M.   {K:1194} 1/13/2005
Another wonderful animal reflection image!


James Hager   {K:6285} 1/12/2005
Thanks Alessandro. It was probably about 20m away. The shot was taken at a game farm, and the wolves were almost like dogs.


James Hager   {K:6285} 1/12/2005
Thanks John. How do you think the composition could be improved?


Alessandro Lavagna   {K:2231} 1/12/2005
Great capture.
The foggy atosphere perfectly expresses that sense of wildness and solitude of such a mysterious and proud animal.

Curiosity: how close to the wolf were you ? (i read you used your lenses at 100mm)
Did'nt you feel frightened ?



John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 1/12/2005
James, this is spectacular!!!!!!!!!!!
The fog and monotones create a most beautiful and unique image!
The composition is nearly perfect!
Just outstanding work!@!!!!
Thanks foer the look! My best..........JOHN


great reflection in a very wonderful composition.


SERDAR SAGKAN   {K:4764} 1/12/2005
Perfect shot. Congrats.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 1/12/2005
Great capture and atmosphere here! Love it!
Into my favs! Thank you, Biliana


Ellen Smith Ellen Smith   {K:14418} 1/12/2005
Fabulous shot! 10++ The reflection is excellent.


Karen Ferranti   {K:2959} 1/12/2005
Wonderful job. The fog adds a great effect to the image. I love the reflection and composition. Well done!


Nitish Kanabar   {K:2618} 1/12/2005
Fantastic. Excellent exposure and composition. I like the way you captured his reflection and the ripples in the water.


Mark Sherman   {K:15669} 1/12/2005
given the local, I view the wolf and reflection as a complete subject, I think its perfect where it is. This makes it very easy to see why the Indians respected the creatures around them. National Geographic cover


Efi Keren   {K:754} 1/12/2005
great! i would make it more high to take the wolf out of center


Shane Finnigan Shane Finnigan   {K:1990} 1/12/2005
This is an excellent composition! All you need now is the "National Geographics" boarder and logo ;o) Great job!!


Jody Felder   {K:445} 1/12/2005
Nice shot! I like the fog in it.


Evelyn Nilsen   {K:3756} 1/12/2005
I liked the wolf you posted yesterday, but this is fabulous!


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 1/12/2005
A stunning shot, James! The fog give a really atmospheric quality to the image, and the reflection is priceless.


Mistral Vortex   {K:627} 1/12/2005
Nice picture!


Matt Lefank    {K:923} 1/12/2005
That wolf must have been very close. Good one, I like the misty background.


Uyen    {K:878} 1/12/2005
Amazing capture. The silhouette of the wolf and its reflection are beautiful.




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