Many thanks for your comment, Imen. This image was taken in about 1988 using an old Minox. While your point of view may well be valid, it is my own personal opinion that there are no "rights" and "wrongs" in photography. There are certain accepted principles, which some people like and adhere to, and some people dislike and do not adhere to. You may notice that Boubekeur has already made the same suggestion as you, and the "error", if that's what it is, is easily resolved. Nevertheless, as you claim to be "professional", I thought I should look at some of your images to see what I could learn from you. Imagine my surprise, therefore, to find that you have not uploaded any!!! AJ
bonjour, je veux vous donné un avis de profeessionel et ne pas vous faire de fleur! Cette photo au point de vu mise au point est parfaitemais je remarque une erreur de cadrage, le sujet est centré et cela est une erreur, car on ne comprends pas ce que le sujet regarde, personnelement j'aurais pris le sujet sur le coté gauche (vu que son regard part sur la gauche), comme ca il en ressort une certaine profondeur. Voila, sinon bonne continuation! ciao
I like such moment as you captured here, this one is very nice, and better if cropped as suggested by Boubekeur. The colors are beautiful too Well done Fabrice
Like very much this image. I think it would be even more interesting if you put the character in a more dynamic position (on the left side) and open his horizon for ... contemplation.