City - Belo Horizonte State - M.G. Country - Brazil
this is a very chocking documentary.. made while I tried to reproduce some David Hamiltonian colours and mood (just the mood, not the subject of course, I would be arretest today If I got caught with those underaged angels he used to shoot) Well.. this is a very colored popular market and every photographer that goes there always tries to catch vibrant colours from peppers and other fruits (like fish lololol!) then it?s always boring and oversharpened.. other people.. self called "artistis" (maybe they are) use black and white film and makes textures and shadows in dramatic candids etc etc so I shoot the fish eating his friend and it was so emotive and I neded to express myself with tenderness .. a Hamiltian tenderness to make that documentary suitable por our kids... while using ps to retouch white spots I wondered, is it photography flas or Ictios? fungus? The fishes are sick or my negative was durt? They are ALL going to die! its so darn cold there!! Well.. japanese fishes arent all distubed by low temperatures here (20 C). Sometimes my negative is more damageble than fishes in a wrong P.H. Well life is fragille. Is the photo any good for you??