jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 12/7/2008
real nice street capture, perfect job Jacqueline.
Jacqueline Baker
{K:1257} 12/5/2008
Thanks Gustov, so glad you like it I'm sure the artist's signature os on there somewhere, I'll just have to find it for you. Glad you like the photo :) regards, Jac.
Jacqueline Baker
{K:1257} 12/5/2008
Thanks Bipradas, I was fascinated by many aspects of this mural. I was standing on a three foot high rock trying to shoot over a fence that was 2 feet taller than I was, without falling off and doing serious injury to myself or the camera. It was worth it though. thanks for looking. regards, Jac.
Jacqueline Baker
{K:1257} 12/5/2008
Thanks Supriyo, I'm glad you like this one :) regards, Jac.
Jacqueline Baker
{K:1257} 12/5/2008
Couldn't resist. Jac
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/4/2008
Muy interesante este mural, bravo por el artista y el fotógrafo. Felicitaciones!
{K:4349} 12/4/2008
It is a nice abstract work.
Supriyo R. Sarkar
{K:7582} 12/4/2008
Hi, Jacqueline. Very well seen and capture. Well croped also.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 12/4/2008
I can image where it stands for ;-) Harry