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You Wanna Mess with Me??
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Image Title:  You Wanna Mess with Me??
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 By: Jacqueline  Baker  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Jacqueline  Baker  Jacqueline  Baker {Karma:1257}
Project #25 Characters Camera Model Lumix FZ30
Categories Candids
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Leica
Uploaded 11/26/2008 Film / Memory Type sandisk 1.0
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 398 Shutter 1/30
Favorites Aperture f/3.5
Critiques 12 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Sydney
Country - Australia   Australia
About I took this candid or perhaps spur of the moment photo during the party last week. Pity about the background, but the expression on my sister's face was too good to pass up. I hope you like it.
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 12/5/2008
OK, good to hear there is peace at some level ;-)



Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 12/5/2008
Hi there,
no i am the sole child to my father and his first wife. my brother and sister are to my dad and his second wife, my stepmother. Oh the joys of an entended family at times. No can't complain we are all spending time with each other. :) regards, Jac.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/29/2008

You are all offspring of dad and his first wife ?
Its good to cherish your roots, now initiated by the 'event' but sooner or later you would have longed for it anyhow.

I like your style of writing style about the tigress and the kitten ! Ha, a big smile !

Yes get some sleep or rest and being numb is a protection of the soul/body to confront you with all feelings at the same time. It happens often if someone died or got lost.

Just allow yourself the first week or so to do what comes up. Good to have your mum and sis with you. Be well, sleep well. I still hold your heart warm and safe.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/29/2008
Hi harry,
we mdae it home to 'safe ground' as I think of home, all this dodging a simpering stepmother with sinister motives while not losing my mind and screaming abuse at her and upsetting my sister is all a bit overwhelming. There is nothing like a ten hour road trip to help glue the shattered pieces into something well, even if it does not resembling what it looked like before, but more like a mosiac that pieces strewn here and there.

Either way, my sister has been very open, we've salvaged 5 huge bags of dad's books and photos of his childhood. The kind of things a first wife (my mum) can say yes, that was your dad at 17. The remarkable resemblence lives on in my brother!.
My sister seemed enchanted with the family history that being the youngest(of thirteen granchildren) she has barely seen or heard of. My stepmother is not so interested in family legends and old friends. And lets face it, when you have know a man since he was 20 you know him for life ...( or so I am led to believe)
the roadtrip went well, i'm exhausted but wired BUT the tigress in this picture is sleeping like an angel with the 5 month old kitten tucked under her arm, purring its little head off.

For today at least, my work here is done. The rest is to be delt with later. If I ever get to sleep. Then again, my own bed beckons. Numb is ok. Sleep is better. So I bid thee a good night from me. Jac.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/29/2008
Dont worrie, just go to mum and accept being numb. It will last a few days to a week + or so.
I-scream and Milkshakes may help ;-)
Good you sister is with you.
Drive safely !


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/28/2008
Hi harry, thanks for your words of comfort, i'm hanging onto them. dad is coping well, I am numb and just waiting to get my mummy, LOL 28 years old but we all need our mum sometimes. my sister is coming with me, we're driving home to my place today, a ten hour drive. it's pouring rain. keep my heart safe harry many thanks.
Love Jacq
yes, icecream is often the answer :P


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/28/2008
It also hit me hard Jac. I had expected anything up to 2 years or so. I dont know if your system allows exceptions on that verdict due to circumstances eg 2 years bcse of good behaviour.

Will be a hard time to wait until feb 26.

Take your time to mourn about this news, anger numb, sadness, tears will all come to you i guess.

I think it is important for you to process this phase and then be there again for dad, you can only help dad if you are strong enough. For now scream, yell, be silent, cry , eat icecream |?

I can only advice that what I learned, take long walks, anger in you hamstrings can be released.

But thats for later, firts you are in this numb zone. I hope you can find a shoulder to cry on, if all else fails, I offer you my shoulder to cry on.

Words fail me too Jac.
Love, Harry


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/27/2008
Hi wolf,
Verdict came in, guilty of maliciously causing a wound of grievious bodily harm with intent. a minimum 7 years NO PAROLE and a maximum of 25 years. judge will sentence on the 26th feb 2009. I am speechless and floored and numb and shocked and very upset. Off to visit dad this morning. . we expected a lot better than that. words fail me
Love Jac.


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 11/27/2008
OMG I thought your sister was a softie but she is a tiger not to mess with hahahah.
Jac, OK abt the progress. There is nothing that can be done, you all have done your best and as I can see it the truth was reveiled pretty well. So if the outcome is within reasonable limits it only can be accepted and all can resume life. So can you I wish.
No worries, I hold your heart firmly and keep it warm, nourish it and calm it. SO you cannot worrie to drop it bcse I holdit for you.
Wish you good luck and just let it happen !
Be well.


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/27/2008
Thanks for looking przemek! I wouldn;t mess with her either. :) regards, Jac


Przemek Czernikarz Przemek Czernikarz   {K:2218} 11/27/2008
No, thanks ;)


Jacqueline  Baker Jacqueline  Baker   {K:1257} 11/26/2008
Also, court has almost conluded, this morning the judge was to instruct the jury and they should be left to deliberate as I type this. We're hoping they will return with their verdict today. Hang onto that heart of mine harry, I'm wrried I might drop it.
Dad was in tears of relief after the closing argument, and my step mother fled early on as our barrister started his closing with all her "inconsistencies" of her's coming to light. Very interesting stuff. I'm soo exhausted but hopeful. Wish us luck. Jac.




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