Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 4/2/2007
Thanks, Joe. These guys were smoking some heavy artillery. Smelled great!! --Jan
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 4/2/2007
Good capture of the moment. I can smell it from here. :) Looks like fun.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/31/2007
wooow... many time ago joel he it had said to me of on the work-related trips! I have hoped that he could pass from Italy, the problem of English, but a greetings was possible! have a ngoodnight.. roby
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/31/2007
Roby -- I believe Rome was one of his many stops. I think he is in Stockholm right now. He is visiting eight cities; some of the others were Moscow, London, and Madrid. Not sure about the others. --Jan
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/31/2007
oh.. thanks .. thanks so much again and greetings back, good luck, my friend! ;) i'm happy that joel is in europe businss-tour.. sure he will see of the beautiful places!!! maybe he passed from italy?!?! ..hugs.. roby
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/31/2007
Thanks again for your comment, Roby. I will pass on your greetings on to Joel and Lisa. Joel is travelling in Europe on business at the moment and will return to the U.S. soon. --Best to you, Jan
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/31/2007
..oh oh.... stunning indoor, nicely effect!!!
please take a BIG "HI" at yours... family, daughter and joel.. :) is so much time that i dont hear it..!
have a very good week end my dear friend.. take care! roby
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/29/2007
Thanks very much, Pablo. --Best to you, Jan
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 3/28/2007
Funny candid,nice shot Jan.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/28/2007
Thanks, Maryanne. I appreciate your comment. --Regards, Jan
Maryanne Murillo
{K:11617} 3/28/2007
Great image of a candid moment. I like this a lot, Jan.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/27/2007
I am glad you enjoyed this, Mel. The oysters were fantastic and the beer was ice cold! --Best to you, Jan
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 3/27/2007
You are the master at making us all laugh, Jan. Thanks so much for sharing this! What a hoot!! I hope you enjoyed your oysters! Cheers.......Mel
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/26/2007
Annemette -- Thanks for your amusing comments. The bald head looks a bit like an egg, too. As for the buttons on the hat, when I enlarge and sharpen the hat in the original file, it appears that all the hat buttons are those of a tavern in Ocean City called the Purple Moose. I don't think it is a sports thing, at least not for this particular silly hat. I do not follow sports so I could be wrong. Life is filled with amusing scenes to keep us all entertained. :) --Best to you, Jan
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 3/26/2007
When seing this I first thought it was a hat full of eggs;-))How can one be wrong? It must have something to do with sports! Funny shot, Jan. Take care Annemette
John Melskens
{K:-5433} 3/26/2007
Jan - that is the good thing about the digital camera's: they are very silent. And if you use a small / compact camera people will never notice you and it is great for taking candid pictures.
 ...like this one. |
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/26/2007
Onie -- Thanks for your comments and your story is very funny. At least you got the Scotch down. :) Perhaps if you cannot eat raw oysters you could tried them fried. They make a great sandwich. --Best to you, Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/26/2007
Thanks, John. Yes... sometimes we are "The Invisible Man".
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 3/26/2007
~~GRIN~~ Jan, shooting from the hip while perched on a stool, I applaud you Sir... LOL... Raw oysters are that *little something* my throat will not let pass LOL... A few years ago while beach camping with our famiies, we had several dozen fresh oyster to shuck... Now, I love oysters but, they just won't go down raw... The men suggested as we were having pre-dinner drinks that if I had a mouth full of scotch, swallowed, and then threw the oyster down, maybe that would work... ~~GRIN~~... Well, needless to say, several scotches later and still trying to get an oyster past the trapdoor in my throat, I gave up... :)))
It sure was fun trying though...:)
John Melskens
{K:-5433} 3/25/2007
Ah, shooting from the hip! Great, Jan. I love to do that. When I am walking in the city and I don+t want people to see me taking pictures of them, even when I am very close to them.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/25/2007
Doyle -- Thanks for your comments. Although this end of the bar was deserted (the cigars!), the place was so noisy with shouting and yelling at the March Madness you couldn't even here yourself burp from the beer. Too bad we can't post photos with an embedded sound track. Now for that quiet dinner at Liz's house. --Best to you, Jan
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 3/25/2007
Very cool . . . a drink ( or two ) here . . . seems like my kind of people . . . then it's off to Liz's for dinner!! Fun shot Jan!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
Liz -- You are so lucky! This profession is very hard work and physically demanding but has the potential for pleasing so many and in such creative ways.
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 3/24/2007
Yep, he is :)
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
Liz -- They don't travel well at all! Is your husband a chef? --Jan
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 3/24/2007
Thank you my dear Jan, althou I knew that, thanks for your kindness !!! :) Hug Srna
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 3/24/2007
Ewwwwww, you can keep the raw oysters LoL...yuk!! I'll get my Husband to make some nice Kilpatrick or Mornay ones for you instead!!! Don't know how well they will travel though :) :)
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
Thanks, Liz. Besides having fun here, I really enjoyed the raw oysters. Silly hats and bald heads everywhere! --Best to you, Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
Thanks, Glinda. You seldom run out of amusing subjects in a bar to photograph, assuming that someone does not object to your taking their picture and ..... break the camera over the top of your head. --Best regards, Jan
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 3/24/2007
:) :) an excellent Candid that made me giggle at the sight of it. A little fun goes a long way :) Nicely captured too..
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
Thank you, Srna. Silly hats are amusing to see, often found at parties and taverns... and the people that wear them are often making some kind of statement. Bald heads on the other hand are found everywhere! :) :) --Best to you, Jan
Glinda Shipley
{K:-833} 3/24/2007
Nice candid shot, great subjects.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 3/24/2007
I can not help myself dear Jan ... I have to smile when I see your way of living, thinking, doing ... and I learn so much through your photos and conversations with others. Wonderful ! all the best dear Jan :) Srna
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
AJ -- Thanks for commenting. Shooting from the hip while I was sitting at the bar, I just made a quick glance down to the LCD for rough framing and then held the camera with one hand and took a few pictures. With auto-focus that is very do-able and results in a good, candid angle. My mistake here was that I did not boost the ISO speed so some camera shake occurred with an exposure at 1/8th of a second. --Best to you, Jan
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
Thanks, Michele. The atmosphere was somewhat crazy (I attribute that to March Madness) and there were more funny hats then you could shake a stick at. Wish you had been there -- you would have enjoyed it, no doubt. --Best to you, Jan
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 3/24/2007
Was going to comment on the "wrong one" wearing the hat, but you got there first! I'm also interested in your "shooting from the hip" comment - I tried this on my recent visit to Belgrade (albeit with a Casio compact) with interesting results and will definitely be trying more.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 3/24/2007
Ohhhh my Jan !! Cigars, silly hats, ha!!! Humorous shot my friend ! I like it-- What a mood - I feel like I am there too--lol!!!
Best wishes, Michele~
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 3/24/2007
Onie -- Thanks for taking a look at this fun shot. You have to wonder who Cal is and what he is being thanked for. The cigar smokers were down at a deserted end of the bar near an open window (it was very cold) and the rest of the tavern and raw bar was packed with patrons. I was sitting at the bar eating oysters and shooting from the hip, thus some camera movement. --Best to you, Jan
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 3/24/2007
Laughing myself silly here Jan... )))
Read the title *Silly Hat, Bald Head* then look up and read *Thanks Cal*... Just tickled my sense of silliness zone... ~~GRIN~~...
Good fun shot Jan...:)