{K:11377} 5/14/2007
Excellent photograph, I love everything, You got the touch, Kes, I like the unusual way of some of your captures!! Regards :) Harry
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 2/22/2007
Your border suggestion is a good idea, Tim. The sky was just awesome this day, and although it didn't last long, I got a few shots while running from the cloud cover...or chasing the light.
It is challenging to present a perspective of interest to others. If the photo is too realistic, it's boring...and if I can't get the snow quite right (often), what the heck, I just bump up the contrast and go with the abstract, lol.
You have the knack for catching that magic light, along with an artist's eye for composition. As excellent as your photography is, you've commented that you use them for your painting. I understand the concept, as my mother used to paint and her generalization to me once was that photographers couldn't get any money for their work. Lol, I should have listened....but I never quit my day job either. :)
Man, I'm glad you have the same set up as me.....someone to answer my questions! Fortunately you didn't have to wait as long as me....grrrrr....:)
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 2/21/2007
Was just looking at this image once again as it struck my eye with the vibrant blue searing through the monitor. I find it interesting that if a image in thumbnail size is not completely definable that it inevitably draws more attention. As you said you had posted a version with perfect metering of the snow and almost no hits. This has nothing to do with photography and more to do with the physiology of the human mind. Curious like cats.... Hey got my 18-200mm Nikon lens today. Shot 200 images already indoors and out testing it out. So far it is a keeper big time. I think that will be all the lens i need for a long time. haha
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 2/5/2007
this is another super shot and with the long awaited 18-200mm. If you had a simple border around this one it would be more separated from the surrounding White background of the web page though. I love the blue sky in contrast to the simple and less defined snowy area. Although i think that if you cropped the top of the sky just slightly it would strengthen the focal point of the trees at the summit just a bit more. That is just a guess your opinion is what matters though.
Marija Ristic
{K:4136} 1/29/2007
It has this surreal feel that i love! seems like from totally another planet! I agree with Peter's cropping suggestion. well done!
Timothy Schirmer
{K:7201} 1/29/2007
Very interesting shot, sort an abstactly oddly enough, since it is a landscape. Very cool flow here. -Tim
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 1/28/2007
Very good use of a visual echoing Kes! Framing the trees on the foreground as well in the distance! WEll seen!
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 1/23/2007
Very beautiful shot Kes!!! Congrats my friend... Leo
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 1/22/2007
Novel approach, Kes! I like the repetition of tree forms in foreground and background! That ridgeline is simple and beautiful. Glad to see that you have some nice snow conditions. Eb
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 1/21/2007
Hi Kes, This looks like an award winner exactly as posted! It seems I'm going drab and dreary for winter images, and you are going in the opposite direction with this one. A very upbeat, cheerful winter image. The detail is extremely fine and the changes in the white are wonderfully subtle! Great job on this one! Andre
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 1/21/2007
Excellent composition & colors , I like it Kes .
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/21/2007
what a beautiful capture i like the high white inside perfect in this minimal landscape well done cheers Paolo
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 1/21/2007
Great composition with the single trees balanced in pairs. Good contrast. Best wishes Annemette
monika brandt
{K:504} 1/21/2007
great, this coould be snow or sand :-)
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/21/2007
Hi again Joe, YES! - it would be nice if we could edit comments! :)
My comment wasn't to well defined...and I understood that you meant the historgram was unbalanced - you're correct, it is. The tree going off to the right and my point of view are a couple of additional thing that I'll have to take into consideration for the next visit to this site.
Thanks for taking the time to make such nice, thoughtful comments, it helps my learning process. People keep telling me to use the historgram...maybe I should start doing that! :)
All the best, Kes
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 1/21/2007
Hi Kes, I wish we could edit these comments. What I meant to say was "The histogram is unbalanced on the right." Not the image. Now that you mention it, a little space to the right of the tree might not hurt. :) All the best.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/21/2007
Hi Joe, thanks for your suggestions, which I agree with. I recently posted a well exposed shot (IMO)...and it got about 4 views...
...and so for this shot, under cloudy skies (note, no shadows under the trees), I purposefully increased the contrasts and yes, blew out the detail in the snow.
When what is "right" and what people like differ...
Of course the tree going off the shot on the right is not the best feature of the composition, and as you mentioned there is an unbalanced "load" here.
When all else fails...I call it...
- t e n s i o n -
(grin) Kes
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/21/2007
Hi Rami! You know, you might be on to something here, from a numerical standpoint in the composition. Thanks for your suggestions! Kes
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/21/2007
Thank you, Rafael!
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 1/21/2007
Very nice composition Kes. I like the silhouetted trees. Since this is the photo critique section, I feel I should point out that the snow is almost completely blown out (overexposed). Check out the histogram. The image is unbalance on the left side. I realize it's very difficult to capture a snow covered landscape in bright sunlight. A neutral density filter would help. From my perspective, you need to have some detail in the snow for this image to be fully successful. As usual this is just my opinion and other well see it entirely different. Have a great day.
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 1/21/2007
Sure Rami, i have no problem with your personal appreciation !! ;-) Peter
Rami Rishmawi
{K:450} 1/21/2007
Hey peter , iam sorry but with your example you croped the cloud , and its the looks like the snow here , and suport this picture. and about B & W , i think the Blue sky is wounderfull. any way still my comment ,regards.
{K:11377} 1/21/2007
Beautiful image, well framed! Harry
Rami Rishmawi
{K:450} 1/21/2007
Great shot kes , i love the snow's shot, but here , there are a small tree in the right corner , and its make some noise here . + The snow most be white , wihtout black points. so i made this example in photoshop ,and i think its better like this.

Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/21/2007
Hi Khayala! I'll take that sunny beach interpretation! We've been getting snow every weekend since Christmas! And cold too!...well, cold for us...:)
Rafael Almeida
{K:1035} 1/21/2007
excelent composition.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/21/2007
Thanks Peter! Yes, the b&w is excellent! This is a location that I've revisited several times...the sky had such a beautiful color this day...someday I'll nail this location's shot! :) Kes
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 1/21/2007
Thank you, Kiarang! It is in a very beautiful valley. Kes
Khayala Eylazova
{K:464} 1/21/2007
This one also very nice...snow looks like a white sand and respectively associate with sunny beaches somewhere in my imagine :).....
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 1/21/2007
Great shot .. composition is great, and high key on the snow simplifies the image to its essence .. i looked at it in b&w, and it can even be stronger ! See the example i added ;-)
Best regards, Peter

Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 1/21/2007
Wow. what a great location. nice form and composition.