Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/15/2008 9:25:12 PM
You'll be proud of me Ian, am taking a course on Impressionist Photography in Nov. Bought me a lensbaby and all! Looking forward to thinking in terms other than stock images.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/15/2008 9:12:51 PM
Humble thanks Sunset Man.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/15/2008 2:26:08 AM
Well looky here, a DoD! And quite rightly too. Sublime smoothness and light Ray. A wonderful classic :)
I'm deeply sorry about your brother's health and will look for more info as you post. Stay well and I shall keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Here's a little sunshine from a New Zealand garden to you... xx
Photo By: stingRay pt.4 .
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/13/2007 6:09:10 PM
WOWZERS!!!!! Gene, you met a fairy! Oh my oh my oh my...... Did you make a wish? Hold on, you don't make wishes. Or do you? Wait, you can. Oh I don't know, I'm just so excited for you!!!
**Shirley, blimmin' fantastic work here :)
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/13/2007 6:00:53 PM
Ahhhh.... lovely.... What a grand way to spend the day. Looks so peaceful :)
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/13/2007 5:57:40 PM
Gorgeous home with so much character. You're so lucky Gene! Hope you were paying attention to all the wonderful history... :)
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/11/2007 6:32:49 PM
Oh my.... Gene, you dirty birdy!!
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/11/2007 6:28:46 PM
Ooooh, just noticed you're sporting a new feather on your hat! I'm sure Marian is very impressed with your dashing good looks Gene :)
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/11/2007 6:26:14 PM
What a very elegant crowd! Gene, you best behave, ok? No more nocturnal trips for a cup of tea, or sojourns in Japan.... ;P
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/11/2007 6:21:03 PM
Getting to know the family right away Gene! Good bear :) Glad to see you made it safely...
*Nice work putting this together Shirley, great series of pics here.
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/10/2007 5:59:40 AM
Clever use of the branches there Dave. A very cunning plan indeed. Impressive piece of work all round.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/10/2007 5:55:43 AM
Heaven. What did you do here? Almost looks as though you used tungsten, the blue is so... well, blue. Fantastic.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/9/2007 11:45:56 PM
Glorious colour Roby! An inspiring sunset shot. It's like watching a battle between Man and Nature.
Hope you and the family are keeping well.
Tanti baci, Rina :)
Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/9/2007 11:21:59 PM
Thanks so much for going to all that trouble Darryl! Cloning is a perfect solution. You've inspired me to revisit this one in the digital darkroom. It's been a while and looking at it now, with more experience under my belt, I see a lot of potential for it.
Once again, thank you. Your tip is much appreciated!
Cheers, Rina.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/9/2007 11:11:51 PM
Hey you :) Great to see the double-feature Chastains on the front page. Congrats on the exposure Doyle (you rock!) and congrats Devon for a wonderfully candid critique - serves as great encouragement for everyone.
Cheers, Rina.
Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/1/2007 7:06:17 AM
Hold on, hold on, hold on.... wait. This is getting too freaky. Why are there so many men's faces on a hoodoo?? I think I've just spotted Elmer Fudd there too. Out hunting kitties? oops I mean possum. NO! Noooo, I mean rabbits. Yeah, that's it, rabbits...
Well, I just had to add one too ya know. I was bored.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:55:06 PM
Of course I would do a hoodoo. Who wouldn't do a hoodoo? And a hoodoo with the mostest? Well, I would most definitely do do that hoodoo.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:46:06 PM
So adorable! Like this, they seem to be harmless kittens. Beautiful moment to capture, well done :)
Photo By: biljana mitrovic
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:38:16 PM
*drags suitcases back upstairs, heartbroken*
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:33:29 PM
[tsk] I hope not, coz I already have packed suitcases...
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:29:52 PM
LOL, thank you so much Biljana!
Hugs straight back to you :)
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:25:03 PM
omg Doyle! I can't breathe!! 
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:23:12 PM
See, this is will teach you to hide the hooplah away from me.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:21:44 PM
Right, now you have me wondering (dreaming/fantasising, take your pick) if you're talking about the rock...
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 8:12:11 PM
lmfao!! Ok ok, this "member" appears to have two accounts: http://www.usefilm.com/photographer/75421.html & http://www.usefilm.com/photographer/32524.html
You know, we could always abbreviate... pns, vgn, bbs/tts... etc.. OR, peepee, v-jj, bazookas... etc. Oh, what fun we could have!!
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 7:49:10 PM
I'm surprised you didn't pick up on that Dave. Do I need to come round and help you with a HTML 101 refresher??? :P
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/31/2007 7:46:51 PM
Biljana, hello! Yes, all the action happens in the donor only forum. I think they do it just tease us ;D But the photos have not been removed from the site at all. It's only because there are extra ".." typed after the end of the url that the link does not work properly. Remove those dots after "html" and the link will take you to the guy's portfolio.
Anyway, what's life at UF without the drama, eh? :)
Take care, Rina.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/30/2007 9:31:32 PM
[cough] Emphasis on "rose" there I think, hippy chick ;P
BTW Dave, no fair hiding the good stuff in the donor only forum. Meany.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/30/2007 6:49:50 PM
Criminy cripes, that was a let down Gayle... I went from viewing this glorious, monumental natural erection to an itty-bitty, teenie-weenie man-made one =/
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/30/2007 6:34:44 PM
Plenty of time Ian! Will get LJ to call you today too. Be sure to let him know if you'll be wanting any accessories!
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi