Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
11/9/2008 11:17:37 PM
Hello AJ! Yup, 2 hours after sunset. Most of it's actually fairly light but I added a dark vignette to burn the edges in a bit more. In hindsight, I think 8 minutes may have been overkill, but I really wanted to push the sensor to test noise. As it turned out, it was pretty bloody good!
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/23/2008 12:00:22 AM
Excellent. Did you enhance the grain in pp? Wonderful work and nice use of cinematic borders.
Photo By: Avi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:56:41 AM
Just look at that fantastic colour saturation! Way to go Ray, the clarity is amazing. Srna is a lucky lady and I'm certain she will be delighted with your dedication.
Sweet kisses to you xx. R.
Photo By: stingRay pt.4 .
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:51:42 AM
Thanks Rog. The only one I managed to take that night because I didn't start shooting early enough. Weather coming in on left would have stuffed the star trails.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:45:21 AM
Love the softness of this one.
Photo By: Roger Skinner
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:43:39 AM
Ah, I wondered what the darkness was in the background of the previous shot.
Not boring at all. And they work well when viewed as a series.
Photo By: Roger Skinner
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:36:24 AM
pffft... this is so photoshopped.
Photo By: Dave Arnold
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:14:27 AM
Look at it for long enough and I start to see shapes in the fog. Of course, there isn't really anything there. Only my imagination running away with me.
Perfect composition, no distractions. Just zone out.
Photo By: Mark Sherman
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:07:00 AM
First and foremost, congratulations!!!
Now... where are some wedding pics? Yeah yeah, the building is beautiful, you made all the right moves, but, where are the photos of the happy couple??!!!!!
Photo By: Mark Sherman
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 1:02:19 AM
I bet this is even more breathtaking in print. Just look at all that fine detail in the branches. Excellent stuff Mark.
Photo By: Mark Sherman
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 12:56:01 AM
Oh wow... the thumbnail does not do this justice... beautiful.
Photo By: Mark Sherman
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/21/2008 12:53:49 AM
G'day Mark!
Cool idea and way to make everyone drool over your new best friend ;) I want one!
I hadn't realised initially that it was a picture. Thought you may have selectively desaturated the background. It looks like the shadow of a standing figure across the bed and back wall, so with your hand in the foreground, I'm fooled into thinking you're actually in that room.
Clever work!
Photo By: Mark Sherman
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/18/2008 7:53:01 PM
Cheers Rog! Thanks for all the comments, but please don't feel like ya have to ok? I'm just poking to see what stirs up ;P
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/18/2008 7:41:06 PM
"Twas not I dear Ray ;) I had a lovely young model by the name of Holly, helping me out that day. And yes, it was an absolutely miserable day at the beach. Lucky for me :)
Hugs and kisses straight back at ya!
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/18/2008 7:35:45 PM
Cheers Avi, I'd not considered taking more of the sky out. I shall try that, before I print any more. Thanks!
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:49:45 AM
My first thought was how the heck did she get there without being soaked? Then I realised (from bottom-right edge) it was shallow water. I'd be tempted to crop in a little tighter for a more surreal look.
Amazing series you have on the dancers. Awesome work to browse through!
Cheers and thanks for your great comment!
Photo By: Dan TDFoto
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:41:47 AM
Great quote Andre. Love the purity in this image. It just speaks for itself. No need for fancy hdr or pp. It breathes. Nice work.
Photo By: Andre Denis
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:37:55 AM
Is that like toe jam?
Photo By: Roger Skinner
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:36:33 AM
Woah... bleak ain't it. Where are all the 'beautiful people' on skis?
Photo By: Roger Skinner
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:30:51 AM
Awwww... you silly goose. Thank you xx
Straight to my faves with you!
Photo By: stingRay pt.4 .
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:27:56 AM
Excellent foreground light and details. HDR? Very cool.
Photo By: Debjit Ghosh
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:23:52 AM
Interesting. Have you tried cropping from the top, effectively eliminating dead space? I've scrolled the image up in my browser, and I feel like I'm getting a totally different image that way. Say 120px from the top?
Photo By: Nick Karagiaouroglou
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:05:39 AM
Superb portrait. Wonderful soft light and colour.
Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:04:33 AM
Interesting diptych. I often take similar images and then wonder what to do with them afterward! This is a great idea, nice work :)
Cheers and thanks for your comment to me!
Photo By: Cooper Link
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 3:00:45 AM
From your window? Excellent shot! The one in the back wondering what all the fuss is about, hehehe.
Cheers and thanks for your comment to me!
Photo By: B B
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 2:54:05 AM
Hello Rachel! Love the perspective on this, nice work.
Great to hear your experience was a good one. It really is an amazing place. I'm always blown away by the dramatic scenery here. Like you, NZ isn't my home either but I've been living here for 7 years. I still miss it when I have to go away for periods of time though. Where else can you get a crazy mix of surf, mountains and cow country all in one shot? :)
Cheers and thanks for your comment!
Photo By: Rachel Leah
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/17/2008 1:17:54 AM
My goodness Avi, you're work has come along so well. Superb fine details here and excellent tones.
I think the last time I had the pleasure of visiting, you were in the middle of an alphabet theme? Wonderful to see such diversity, and high quality imagery in your portfolio!
Photo By: Avi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/15/2008 9:59:01 PM
Thanks Andre. The shots you can find on the net are all pretty much 'tourist' shots, so I was trying to avoid that look. There's no real good way of photographing these rocks though, that will show just how immense they really are.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/15/2008 9:25:12 PM
You'll be proud of me Ian, am taking a course on Impressionist Photography in Nov. Bought me a lensbaby and all! Looking forward to thinking in terms other than stock images.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi
Critique By:
Caterina Berimballi (K:27299)
10/15/2008 9:12:51 PM
Humble thanks Sunset Man.
Photo By: Caterina Berimballi