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Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
6/4/2009 4:50:54 AM

i like this image rowena. it has a lot of emotion - he's into his strumming - very good b&w treatment. great gallery!
        Photo By: Rowena Palec  (K:1290) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
6/4/2009 4:48:02 AM

Congrats on the BIP larry! Well deserved! Hope all is well. Looks like a lot has been happening over there. I hope things turned out well for you. I'll be back August so hope we can meet up for a shoot. email ko sa office jingmatamkordotcom
        Photo By: larry concepcion  (K:474)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
6/4/2009 4:34:54 AM

Great image Yamil! I have the same shots from our Vasona shoot. It's at
See you!
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
6/4/2009 4:31:35 AM

thanks ifte! the lens gives the shallow dof. the key is to get close to the subject. even with a long lens you still need to get close since cropping too much will cause a loss in sharpness...
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/14/2009 1:42:09 PM

hey larry, sama mo naman ako sa shoot mo kapag naka uwi ako. gusto ko sana makatry ng portrait photography. if i may make some comment, i think kailangan taasan mo yung resolution ng kuha mo, medyo nag-pixelate na.
ok pa naman dito, di ko lang alam kung hanggang kailang ok.
ikaw kamusta?
        Photo By: larry concepcion  (K:474)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
2/14/2009 1:25:21 PM

hi atish,
thanks for your comment. for one, i have to say it's one of the best compact cameras i have ever come across. the handling is great - control placement, ergonomics, start-up, shutter lag are all very quick - not something that you would expect from a point and shoot.the image quality directly out of the camera is very good imo. if i were a PS shark, maybe you won't be able to tell images from this compared to a larger sensor camera or even film! noise is very good at 80iso. although it's still there if you look closely.
great thing is that you can take it almost anywhere with you and have wide angle with a fast f2 aperture + hd video :-)
best review i found on the web is from lawrence ripsher's photo journal. just do a search for it. i gave it a try since i've heard so much about it, this one is a keeper.
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/9/2009 6:13:59 AM

Beautiful Yazeed! Love your gallery - very well thought and composed images!
        Photo By: M  jalili  (K:69009) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/9/2009 4:58:02 AM

hey avi, just saw this on the Uf frontpage - this is a great photo! congrats on the award.
        Photo By: Avi    (K:70138) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/9/2009 4:55:53 AM

Thanks Robbie. Marcus is right. This is more of a personal choice and as you may know switching is an expensive thing to do - so it takes a lot of thought. It depends on your style of photography. Since I like taking my camera with me on bike rides, I appreciate the portability of the Canon lens. I use the 400mm L 5.6 which is 1/4 the cost of Marcus' and Yamil's lens - but except for absence of IS and being 1 stop slower, it can produce equally sharp images. On top of that, you can shoot it wide open. I think I've tried all of Nikon's long lenses (except for the 600mm) and they're all heavy. I'm really enjoying this new combo. It just hangs from my neck on a bike ride. Couldn't do that with the Nikon 500mm or 200-400mm.
The only thing I'm going through now is a learning curve with the canon camera menus....
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/3/2009 12:51:58 AM

Hi Ken,
Hope all is well. Happy New Year.
        Photo By: Kenneth C. Long, Sr.  (K:4245)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/3/2009 12:48:01 AM

Love this image- simple - but works very well. The yellow pail and the man adds a nice contrast to the red wall. I would probably just adjust the alignment a bit to make the windows completely straight.
        Photo By: Luciano Caturegli  (K:6609)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/3/2009 12:44:26 AM

Wow! What a powerful image! I like how you turned the background completely white to focus on the bikers, the bike and the two people sitting. Good framing with the two trees!
        Photo By: Luciano Caturegli  (K:6609)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/3/2009 12:39:33 AM

Very nice photo of this castle - although leaving out the right portion where the bright light appears to shine would focus the eye on the boats and the castle.
        Photo By: Roberto Baez Duarte  (K:5317) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/3/2009 12:37:37 AM

Happy New Year Avi!
Nice tones and colors. I think for this one, centering the horizon would work fine since the lake would be a perfect mirror of the sky.
        Photo By: Avi    (K:70138) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/3/2009 12:34:18 AM

Happy new year Dave! He looks contented :-)

        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
1/3/2009 12:32:28 AM

Happy New Year Robbie!
Nice shot, love the pose.
        Photo By: Robert Chin  (K:22282) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/21/2008 9:33:11 PM

Very good composition. The negative space on the right just balances all the activity on the left - the wires, the 2 men painting and their shadows.
Man, I miss home!!!
        Photo By: 1301307 60  (K:44058)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/21/2008 9:30:08 PM

Well done! Like the composition and that one person walking on the shore completes the image.
        Photo By: Supriyo R. Sarkar  (K:7582)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/21/2008 9:26:24 PM

Definitely not an easy bird to capture in flight due to it's size and speed! Considering the low lights, well done! If you have an external flash you may want to use it.
        Photo By: angela Ll  (K:709)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/14/2008 9:03:38 PM

Well balanced image! Good work in bringing the highlights and shadows under control
        Photo By: Tugkan Batu  (K:689)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/14/2008 9:00:08 PM

Very creative Avi, very apt title.
        Photo By: Avi    (K:70138) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/14/2008 8:30:48 PM

Love this one kabayan! Great control of dynamic range!
        Photo By: 1301307 60  (K:44058)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/3/2008 7:23:09 AM

Unique perspective! Definitely makes the shot. Works well as a B&W image.
        Photo By: Autumn Jade  (K:629)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/3/2008 6:54:28 AM

Nice portrait! I think he'll definitely fit in well with the family seeing that he stayed still for this portrait - and not just a regular snapshot - but using natural lighting! Either you trained him well or he knows his master is a photographer :-)
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/3/2008 6:45:16 AM

Congratulations on your DOD award! Love the fine details!
        Photo By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
12/3/2008 6:41:48 AM

Thank you for your comments!
There's no perfect time to contemplate on what/how the world would be like if there was no "war" - in these trying times seeing the words of John Lennon just makes me Imagine and dream of a better world.
Very good homage!
        Photo By: Julie Salles  (K:22654)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/23/2008 4:34:29 PM

Thanks Dave! These days I tend to walk that way too. Lol.
        Photo By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/23/2008 12:14:02 AM

Amazing gallery you have! Very inspirational!
        Photo By: Debjit Ghosh  (K:3494)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/17/2008 4:20:39 AM

there's certainly a lot of possibilities for this scene you chose - the gazebo, the boat, even the clouds. hope you don't mind a tip, try not to put the horizon right in the middle of the image. rule of thirds can help improve the impact of the image (of course, it's not always the case) but try to experiment by changing the placement of your subject as well as horizon. try shooting portrait or landscape (orientation) and change your position to see results.
        Photo By: Moises Marcos  (K:21)

Critique By: Jinggoy Montenejo  (K:7736)  
11/17/2008 3:16:03 AM

Good timing mike - if i may add, one of the techniques to keep in mind is to always try to shoot with the sun behind your back - this gives you natural lighting and brightens up the subject. especially for birds since there's a lot of detail that can be lost....
        Photo By: Mike Cook  (K:4389) Donor

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