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Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
10/4/2007 7:39:02 PM

Wow, Mel, is this Jason's daughter? Has it really been two years since she's been born. I remember the photos you posted of her when she was born at the hospital. Wonderful picture, nice smooth skin.
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
7/12/2007 11:19:46 PM

I took a similiar shot, but I love how you captured the grit of the sand, love the detail.
        Photo By: Rachel Leah  (K:26110)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
6/26/2007 10:30:42 PM

I just laugh when I see Marreck! He reminds me so much of Gavin. I like the collage, and as someone said before, the "build up" of it.
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
6/14/2007 3:29:07 AM

Beautiful effect! You can never have enough wine! Really enjoy your portfolio, you've done some beautiful work.
        Photo By: John Bohner  (K:8368) Donor

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
6/14/2007 3:23:21 AM

John, thank you so much for such a detailed comment. I really appreciate your suggestions. Im always striving to be better. It's funny that you think the mouth isn't appealling. To me, I find the ears are funny looking. So a side shot would be so much better for both of us!!! :) Thanks again for your critique!
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/22/2007 5:46:23 PM

Beautiful! Very remincent of where Im from in Texas - lots of windmills and flat prairie land.
        Photo By: sarel van staden  (K:287)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/22/2007 5:45:04 PM

Nice! I love the balance of the cylinder buildings. I like how my eye goes from the red in the building straight to the red of the bag. Overall, a beautiful picture.
        Photo By: cessy karina  (K:14205)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/21/2007 2:36:04 PM

Fabulous picture! Colors are amazing, and I love the peaceful feeling it has.
        Photo By: Debarshi Duttagupta  (K:26815)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/21/2007 2:35:03 PM

Oh, Ryan, you responded on a TON of pictures! Thanks so much for your comments! :)
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/19/2007 6:34:40 PM

BEAUTIFUL! The title says it all, Bliss! Wonderful, expressive shot you have here Gurmeet!
        Photo By: Gurmeet  Sapal  (K:691)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/19/2007 6:32:52 PM

Interesting point of view, almost like you are in the water yourself! Beuatiful colors, nice and bright!
        Photo By: Salvador Marķa Lozada  (K:69375) Donor

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/19/2007 6:31:13 PM

What an angel! She is adorable. I love the innocense and the shy expression you captured.
        Photo By: Dragan Miletic  (K:141)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/19/2007 6:29:25 PM

I really like the lighting on this shot. Great overall picture. If I may make a suggestion, if the barrel of the gun would have been straight on facing into the camera, and not tilted to the right, I think that would have made more of an impact. For some reason, that caught my eye, that the barrel was off a bit. Overall, however, excellent shot Martin!
        Photo By: Martin .  (K:24957) Donor

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/19/2007 6:23:48 PM

I think it looks neat! I first thought it was a black and white, then with closer inspection, I noticed the slight coloring. Very interesting, and a cute shot of the little girl and her Daddy (Im assuming it's the dad?)
        Photo By: Mark Brewster  (K:307)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/17/2007 6:33:10 PM

Thank you so much John!
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/17/2007 2:56:22 PM

Heck no! I appreciate any critic or comments or edits on my photos. I really want to get better, and having someone with a different eye and perspective look at my pictures, helps me improve.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/17/2007 2:08:23 PM

I like it! Alot more rich in color. The rust on the roof and car really pop in your version!
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/17/2007 3:19:08 AM

This is wonderful Anna, very personal shot here! I love the shadows on this one, and how the face and the flower are highlighted by the sun.
        Photo By: anna syroczynska  (K:36)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/17/2007 3:16:15 AM

A boy and his dog, what could be better than that??? Adorable portrait!
        Photo By: Amy Mansfield  (K:27)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/17/2007 3:13:38 AM

Stunning portrait! Beautiful eyes; LOVE the freckles! :)
        Photo By: monika brandt  (K:504)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:23:30 AM

Very nice! Love the red and blue colors. Well done Tolga!
        Photo By: Tolga Ferhatoglu  (K:853)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:19:23 AM

The smile is so genuine, such a lovely portrait!
        Photo By: Amr Abosenna  (K:848)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:17:36 AM

OMG, I love the lip on this one! So shiney and very leather like! You are truely amazing Mel!
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:12:26 AM

What a happy moment you have captured between these two!
        Photo By: Andries Kleynhans  (K:666)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
5/13/2007 3:10:42 AM

Aren't sleeping baby pictures just the BEST??? What a beautiful little one you have here. So peaceful and innocent! Such a precious moment.
        Photo By: Gordon Granger  (K:257)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/26/2007 1:45:39 PM

What a neat shot! You got both of them with their feet in the air. I like it Stace! It's good to see the boys again, they are growing up so fast.
        Photo By: Stace Walker  (K:4175) Donor

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/17/2007 7:14:31 PM

Stunning shot! Fabulous detail. Marreck is such a handsome little guy!
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/17/2007 7:10:56 PM

Thank you so much for your comments Iman. I very much appreciate it.
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/14/2007 2:15:21 PM

Jaina, I was thinking the same thing. The eyes to me, look too soft, blurry. But I really like the way the softening makes the skin look so smooth. Thank you for your comments. :)
        Photo By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)

Critique By: Rae Pulver  (K:1134)  
4/13/2007 9:21:56 PM

Such a dreamy shot with the reflection. Not sure what I could recommend to make the shot better. I think it's pretty darn good already. I think the finger marked window might detract a little from the image, but then I also think it adds character to the shot. Window just dont stay clean with kids in the house! :)
        Photo By: Melanie Reynolds  (K:9096)

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