sarel van staden
{K:287} 5/23/2007
Thanks Lydia. Heidelberg is the Gateway to the popular Garden Route and can annytime be as beautifull as the rest of the route.One just need to stop and look ! Everybody seem to rush down the N2 to the better known towns like George and Knysna. Groetnis.
Lydia Nel
{K:3579} 5/23/2007
And peaceful it is indeed - aren't we fortunate to be made aware of so much beauty through photographs as magnificent as these - I love the movement in the blades of the windmill - your camera control is to die for - viva beautiful South Cape!
Tony Vonthoff
{K:169} 5/23/2007
Rae was reminded of Texas, I am reminded of Australia, the shot is from South Africa but no matter where it was taken it is a beautiful shot Sarel with terrific composition and soft, soothing colour balance. A very nice shot in my opinion. Congratulations.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 5/22/2007
Wonderful work! Nice camera control and lovely colors.... Very moody and beautiful capture.... 7+
Congrats and much love
Paul E Brumit
Rae Pulver
{K:1134} 5/22/2007
Beautiful! Very remincent of where Im from in Texas - lots of windmills and flat prairie land.