Critique By:
Diego Dotta (K:3172)
7/28/2004 2:31:19 AM
Excelente Shot Zach Great gradient Sky!
COngrats Diego Dotta
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Charlotte Shockey (K:2146)
7/16/2004 6:34:13 PM
great perspective! and thanks for the comment.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Zach Golden (K:381)
7/16/2004 6:27:21 PM
They did a show at the Cherry fest in Traverse City Mi. what an amazing group.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Charlotte Shockey (K:2146)
7/12/2004 2:36:28 AM
makes me want to get up and find a partner to do the lindy hop with!
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Charlotte Shockey (K:2146)
7/12/2004 2:35:37 AM
Was he doing the solo for "Go Daddy-O!" ?
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Charlotte Shockey (K:2146)
7/11/2004 3:10:03 AM
add as many BBVD shots as you want... love those guys! "Go Daddy-O!"
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Charlotte Shockey (K:2146)
7/10/2004 11:39:36 PM
Great shot... love BBVD!!! They are awesome.. where did you hear them perform?
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Carlheinz Bayer (K:14220)
7/10/2004 1:44:17 PM
VERY NICE STAGE SHOOT!!! works great in B&W. Love thehigh contrast and the comp is great Good work! C.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Shiv Kumar Surya (K:17362)
7/10/2004 9:58:56 AM
Wonderful stage shot. Nice capture of action. Beautiful blue back ground. Regards, 'Surya'
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
oyku senhan (K:874)
7/10/2004 9:51:26 AM
oldies... i love them... cong..
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Orazio Minnella (K:49417)
7/10/2004 6:05:12 AM
Another great shot.Wonderful colors
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Zach Golden (K:381)
7/9/2004 2:14:48 AM
Thanks for the comment. This was my first time shooting a Concert like this. I will have to toy with my star filter next time around. Thanks for the hint. They are kinda like the blues brothers. but on speed with a walking bass line that shakes your soul.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Leora Long (K:11135)
7/9/2004 2:10:54 AM
Any relative of the Blues Brothers?
Have you tried a star filter for this type of shot? To get the lights in the background breaking up a bit.
Nice animated shot of the performer.
Cheers, Leora.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Laura E. (K:5598)
7/8/2004 9:54:10 PM
The color and stage lighting add a dramatic element to this photo - I love it!
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
T. Sulcer (K:3)
6/14/2004 7:27:56 PM
Z~All your photos are good but I still like this one the best. Hope all is good. T.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Hermen Pen (K:9168)
5/29/2004 10:08:25 AM
Hi Zach, I like the viewpoint and the colour combination of your image. Suggestions to make it stand out more: some light adjustment (make the image a little darker by reducing the midtones, I would not touch the shadows and highlights as Chris suggested). Via the camera you may achieve this effect through a slight underexposure (You may want to use exposure bracketing for this kind of shots). I agree with Chris that the upper left dandelion could be a little sharper. I can't decide whether the focus is slightly off, or the reduced image size makes it look unsharp. (You can probably judge it from the original larger image). In the latter case, it may be a good idea to sharpen the image using PS (unsharp mask).
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Rebecca Raybon (K:26654)
5/27/2004 4:34:36 AM
Lovely composition. This pic stands out anyway.. it's beautiful. The recommendations given were good also. I love it either way. The original is a little softer.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Gustavo Eulalio (K:3777)
5/27/2004 4:05:51 AM
'Suggestions to make this pic stand out'? This picture DOES stand out. Great colors and DOF. The only thing is that the rightmost dandelion were more in-focus. Congrats.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Alexey Sapa (K:27174)
5/27/2004 3:38:29 AM
Lovely! Beautifully done! My best wishes! ALexey
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Chris Hunter (K:25634)
5/27/2004 2:53:27 AM
Thanks Steven, Photoshop can be over-whelming, but my philosophy is to master the tools to produce good-looking images first, and then let the effect stuff come later.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Steven H (K:7142)
5/27/2004 2:46:24 AM
Chris, really well done comment, and nicely modification of an already beautiful shot.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Chris Hunter (K:25634)
5/27/2004 2:42:58 AM
I think your compostion and color is good, I would like to see brighter highlights on the hairs of the dandelion, and because this looks like a dusk shot, darker shadows on the green leaves behind. This is easy in PS, just do a levels adjustment, and move the black slider to the first histogram ridge on the right. Do the same thing for the white histogram slider on the left until your image has proper highlights and shadows. I also sharpened the image and removed any color artifacts.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Delete My Account (K:-1391)
5/27/2004 2:38:28 AM
I would really like this picture if the dandelions were more in focus and maybe not quite as highlighted. The highlighting you can fix with PS. The focus part can be fixed somewhat, but it would probably be easier to reshoot it.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Dustin Cowen (K:2837)
4/27/2004 8:54:33 PM
Beautiful warm image.The saturation of color and tone is extrordinary. I love the stacks reaching for the sky, like mans futility to build to the heavens aka Babel. Personally I like the muted foreground, it ads a bit of mystery for the mind. And on top of that its difficult to expose the foreground in this twi-light situation where the light source is behind the building.. Great composition. Cheers, Dustin
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Jimmie "DeeDee" Jones (K:368)
4/27/2004 12:37:48 AM
Nice B&W.
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Jimmie "DeeDee" Jones (K:368)
4/27/2004 12:36:04 AM
The image is somewhat flat, but anytime an artist decides to manipulate an image, it can stir all kinds of emotions. I like the abstract qualities and there could also be somewhat of a political statement being made....I don't know what your intentions are, but it doesn't matter. The viewer can have there on interpretations of the work. I don't know why others have not commented. Good work and good luck, deedee
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Jon Alexander (K:47)
4/3/2004 7:26:19 AM
I personally like this shot a lot and the other elements add to the reality of the picture. I don't know a single farm that doesn't have a dog in it. And the tree is a great framing element. But then again you're probably just trying to be as great as I am... j/k
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Samantha Osborn (K:-18)
3/17/2004 5:23:32 PM
Zack, you're still at it I see. Nice shot of the city I live in now. Keep up the good work. Miss you. Sam
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Maxim Reider (K:383)
3/6/2004 10:28:24 PM
Excellent. As a wandering plummer you see a lot of wonders (I was sort of a plumber for many years while waiting for my exit visa from Russia, I think I know what it's all about. Lot's of snow also in the Old Country. Lot's of sand in our "historical homeland". Lot's of work for plumbers too). Regards, Maxim
Photo By: Zach Golden
Critique By:
Bárbara Masu (K:1256)
2/22/2004 8:47:08 PM
Great picture, but I think the wall is a little disturbing... Maybe you could've framed it like above... (Just my opinion...) Regards! ;o)
Photo By: Zach Golden