eleonora frago
{K:2472} 12/30/2005
little aliens in the sunset, beautiful! :)
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 5/29/2004
Hi Zach, I like the viewpoint and the colour combination of your image. Suggestions to make it stand out more: some light adjustment (make the image a little darker by reducing the midtones, I would not touch the shadows and highlights as Chris suggested). Via the camera you may achieve this effect through a slight underexposure (You may want to use exposure bracketing for this kind of shots). I agree with Chris that the upper left dandelion could be a little sharper. I can't decide whether the focus is slightly off, or the reduced image size makes it look unsharp. (You can probably judge it from the original larger image). In the latter case, it may be a good idea to sharpen the image using PS (unsharp mask).
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 5/27/2004
Lovely composition. This pic stands out anyway.. it's beautiful. The recommendations given were good also. I love it either way. The original is a little softer.
Gustavo Eulalio
{K:3777} 5/27/2004
'Suggestions to make this pic stand out'? This picture DOES stand out. Great colors and DOF. The only thing is that the rightmost dandelion were more in-focus. Congrats.
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 5/27/2004
Lovely! Beautifully done! My best wishes! ALexey
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 5/27/2004
Thanks Steven, Photoshop can be over-whelming, but my philosophy is to master the tools to produce good-looking images first, and then let the effect stuff come later.
Steven H
{K:7142} 5/27/2004
Chris, really well done comment, and nicely modification of an already beautiful shot.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 5/27/2004
I think your compostion and color is good, I would like to see brighter highlights on the hairs of the dandelion, and because this looks like a dusk shot, darker shadows on the green leaves behind. This is easy in PS, just do a levels adjustment, and move the black slider to the first histogram ridge on the right. Do the same thing for the white histogram slider on the left until your image has proper highlights and shadows. I also sharpened the image and removed any color artifacts.

Delete My Account
{K:-1391} 5/27/2004
I would really like this picture if the dandelions were more in focus and maybe not quite as highlighted. The highlighting you can fix with PS. The focus part can be fixed somewhat, but it would probably be easier to reshoot it.