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Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/18/2003 1:23:31 PM

well, the foreground lacks interesting detail. The focal point of the photo seems a little out of focus.

Maybe you could use the many walls to provide a lead in to the mainsubject by shooting the photo somewhere else.
        Photo By: John Finn  (K:1101)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/18/2003 12:35:17 PM

eerie skin tones..
        Photo By: Koray Birand  (K:101)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/18/2003 12:33:00 PM


very atmoshperic (excuse the pun!. Good colours and an interesting crop on a stormy sky.

In answer to your question about my fisherman - yes it is real - I was on top of a cliff looking down on him.
        Photo By: Henk Kok  (K:673)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/18/2003 12:30:15 PM

"Fresh" is the word that comes to mind! shame its not a bit bigger.
        Photo By: Miluxa Patricio  (K:6060)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/18/2003 8:50:34 AM

great timing and nice toning! well done! is it in the uk?
        Photo By: Kristina Kohut  (K:49990)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/17/2003 7:54:03 AM

I've given this an average rating - the main points that let this shot down (and dont leave much left to praise I'm afraid!) are:

- poor depth of field (foreground is out of focus)
- overexposed sky
- muddy coloured grass
- apparent slope to the right
- large empty front RHS of foreground

I'm sure there is a good shot in there somewhere. perhaps a macro of the lichen on a tombstone, or standing up high and getting an unusual perspective on the stones. Even a bit of lens flare of the sun shining through a gap in the background cross would add some interest and atmoshere.


        Photo By: Bart Kudowic  (K:37)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/17/2003 2:43:40 AM

Hi Kristina

Great colors, perspective, composition... another winner!

Best wishes

        Photo By: Kristina Kohut  (K:49990)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/17/2003 2:40:10 AM

Hi Mike,

It is on the River Taff bridge in Cardiff Bay (UK).


        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/8/2003 7:37:48 AM

surreal sky. Were the clouds really that formation?
        Photo By: Lorenzo Lessi  (K:6589)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/4/2003 7:42:26 AM

nice once Kristina - bit like my self port. in the sunglasses! I like your shots so much I got myself a little Canon Ixus digicam - lugging round a load of pro-D SLR kit means it stays at home on hot days so at least if I have a small cam all the time I dont miss any great shots - like yours!


        Photo By: Kristina Kohut  (K:49990)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/1/2003 9:02:57 AM the high altitude wispy clouds. There's a good photo everywhere you look!

I took your advice and cropped my lighthouse. Did you get any good pictures from your recent visit to UK?


        Photo By: Kristina Kohut  (K:49990)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/1/2003 8:50:58 AM

bit 1970's!
        Photo By: Onur Aydin  (K:9815)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
7/26/2003 4:22:51 AM

lovely warm light. Nick
        Photo By: Kristina Kohut  (K:49990)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/21/2003 12:55:08 AM

well spotted! Good DOF but perhaps too much shadow in the front left lower part of the picture

        Photo By: Harlan Heald  (K:15732) Donor

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/17/2003 2:32:48 AM

The red huts in the background an extra dimension of interest. Well done!
        Photo By: Kristina Kohut  (K:49990)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/17/2003 2:31:03 AM

Nice colours, lighting and exposure. A slow shutter speed (1/8 sec) would add more atmosphere and get rid of that horrible frame!

I like the low angle viewpoint and depth of field
        Photo By: István Sándor  (K:2411)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/13/2003 3:33:29 AM

I like the shadows in the background and the grey lichen on the roots in the foreground. Very good shot
        Photo By: Samuel Downs  (K:7290)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/5/2003 4:32:29 AM

This would work better if the background was in focus and correctly exposed.
        Photo By: Rena Tsiflidou  (K:2606)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/5/2003 3:45:57 AM

can we see some information about how you achieved this effect?

Great colours, but are they natural?
        Photo By: Piero D'Orto  (K:2451)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/4/2003 3:57:14 AM

great photo - good depth of field - what focal length was the lens set at?

A bit of post processing in terms of levelling the horizon and maybe dodging the bird would make this even better. I had a go myself (se attached)
        Photo By: Jesper Karlström  (K:34)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/4/2003 3:49:35 AM

I like the fog of the breaking waves effected over the long exposure
        Photo By: Steve Kompier  (K:4629) Donor

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/3/2003 11:27:32 AM

... too lazy to get out!? Got any shots of your hubcaps? Please?
        Photo By: Antonio Trincone  (K:23167)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/3/2003 6:53:10 AM

Great range of colours again showing your excellent eye for a good photo. Maybe use PS to underexpose the bright plank on the pallet which does draw the eye away from the red shed.

Hey Kristina - how many photos do you take each day?
        Photo By: Kristina Kohut  (K:49990)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/3/2003 6:39:31 AM

Where is the photographer!?
        Photo By: Ari A. Alves (alvesari)  (K:7733)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/2/2003 2:00:24 AM

Nice shot - good composition and crop but maybe make the foreground a little sharper by throwing the background into less focus or make it darker.
        Photo By: Maurizio Savini  (K:2174)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/2/2003 1:58:12 AM

Nice composition and I like the way the fence / track lead the viewer into the photgraph nicely but the focus is a little fuzzy (or JPEG compression). Also the barn tilts to the right - is this real or is the photo crooked!
        Photo By: Maurizio Savini  (K:2174)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
5/30/2003 3:17:02 AM

Thanks for the feedback Alius. The original image was a sharp colour JPEG and in Photoshop I added noise and converted to B/W.

I'll try what you suggest
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
5/26/2003 5:25:48 AM

Thanks for the comment on my cats! Excellent photo of Gulls from all points of view - apart from the cheeky bird who is looking out of line!
        Photo By: Carole Bradford  (K:10715)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
5/26/2003 4:58:43 AM

Thanks for the positive comment!

Actually they are Ragdolls called Monty and Charlie... sent to bed for trying to escape (again!)
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
5/23/2003 7:33:43 AM

Nice DOF but I find the dark shadow zone in the front centre of the iamge a bit distracting.

Great colours but pity about the poor JPEG quality!

        Photo By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor

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