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Evening Boats
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Image Title:  Evening Boats
Favorites: 0 
 By: Kristina Kohut  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer  Kristina Kohut {Karma:49990}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon Ixus V
Categories Deep Blue
Film Format
Portfolio Places
Uploaded 7/26/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 847 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/0
Critiques 50 Rating
/ 38 Ratings
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About A photo I took yesterday... I have made it a bit darker, and on my screen it's not too dark, but I'm wondering if it might be on other screens?
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There are 50 Comments in 1 Pages
Luther Chong   {K:3585} 5/5/2004
Great shot... Peaceful setting//


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 3/15/2004
Fantastic lighting, sky and contrasting colors,Kriss!


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 3/15/2004
Beautiful light and lovely moody sky. I think the lowish lighting levels is perfect for highlighting the boats. Another great shot Kris.
Best regards,


Andrej V   {K:6693} 1/20/2004
Today I had little time and I was cruising around a bit...

You have so many good pictures... My compliments Kristina!


Rolf Rock   {K:2964} 9/16/2003
Hi Kristina, it is a wonderful shut, a nice landscape picture, wonderful work in colour and a good showing for athmospehre and tendency. Fore my viewing is also a good example is a valuable picture for education. You must know i am a teacher :-)).

However it is nevertheless an excellent picture, congratulation
greetings from Rolf Rock (
If you have a possibility please visite my page again for my newest pictures.
Thanks !!!


Igor L.   {K:7432} 8/2/2003
Great shot and beautiful colors!!!


Lorenzo Lessi   {K:6589} 8/1/2003
This phot is not too dark, it has an exceptional light!!! This is a light situation difficult to find but really beautiful! The warm rays over the subject and the dramatic dark sea and sky in background... Spectacular!!! Ciao! Lorenzo


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 7/31/2003
Superb shot well composed, the lighting and reflections are great.


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 7/30/2003
Peaceful shot Kristina,the lighting is perfect and the tone is so beautiful.My best regards to you,H


Ursula I Abresch   {K:6515} 7/28/2003
Beautiful. On my screen it looks very nice, except maybe the left hand side is a bit dark, just a little bit. The reflections and the clouds are wonderful, and the boats just glow. Good work!



Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP   {K:18382} 7/28/2003
Stimmungsvolles Aufnahme.
Gruß Gerhard


NN  NN     {K:26787} 7/28/2003
I like this darkness (hmm ... remembering our earlier discussions I can tell you that I?ve had a new monitor for about two months now :)) and the contrasts. Beautiful work, Kristina!


Yutaka Itinose Yutaka Itinose   {K:22586} 7/28/2003
Oh! cloudy and partially fine,Great capture as usual!


Geza Farkas   {K:12412} 7/27/2003
Excellent, I think the atmosphere and light is like before the storm. I like it and in my monitor the shot is well seen.


Nita M   {K:4986} 7/27/2003


Cedric Sims   {K:3259} 7/27/2003
Good lighting, composition & perspective. I like all the diffrent shades of light.


lucio brando   {K:2295} 7/27/2003
good job congrats bye lucio


rino sirio   {K:8012} 7/27/2003
eccellente lavoro con ottima resa cromatica...ciao


Tommaso Di Falco Tommaso Di Falco   {K:23819} 7/27/2003
A shot well composed with a nice reflection and the clouds give a touch very interresting...
enjoy, Tommaso


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 7/27/2003
Magnifici colori....per una bellissima composizione!
ciao donato


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 7/26/2003
Thanks Kris. This is what we must do here. If you remember me from other site, I usualy give ...big rates! :-) but rating isn't that read help, comments help, I do that with my poor english (hoping to understant me) and also you do that. Simple forget all these ''very smart'' people and do that you real love. Well we must know when we give something in public, some coments - ratings etc was not good also! Some times that WE find nice isn't nice to some others and this is real interesting to watch people ideas for something, bad or good. Friendly, JH.


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 7/26/2003
Excellent work! Beautiful!


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 7/26/2003
Great light and nice composition.


Vladislav Klima Vladislav Klima   {K:3660} 7/26/2003
The best reflections, Kristina. Very harmonic photo. Beautiful central part (the boats). Vladislav


Bob Whorton   {K:2740} 7/26/2003
Even on my old dying Laptop it looks pretty good )


John Chiu   {K:6250} 7/26/2003
Bright boats and the reflections stand out pretty good. Very nice.


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 7/26/2003
Kristina concrats! Fantastic photo.


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 7/26/2003
It's ok on my monitor, it's a good composition and I like very much the lighting in this image. Bye Max


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 7/26/2003
Great composition, Kristina! Beaultiful colors and mood. The lighting is excellent, with the right darkness for the scene. Best regards! ..... Lucas


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 7/26/2003
Hi Kris! Absolutely stunning!!! I believe that because here you have something very special! Objects that are in sunshine in a dark - cloudy background!!! THIS IS SOMETHING WITH HIGHT INMPRESING RESULT.


Magdalena Wajda-Kacmajor   {K:143} 7/26/2003
Great lighting, and the composition is very good.


Nick Russill   {K:929} 7/26/2003
lovely warm light. Nick


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 7/26/2003
Beautiful composition.


Javed Rassi Javed Rassi   {K:8223} 7/26/2003
Great shot, I like how the boats are lit by the sunlight, and of course the reflections.


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 7/26/2003
An absolutely lovely scenic capture.


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 7/26/2003
Fantastic compostion with great reflection. Very nice work as always. Congrats!
Reagards, Hayri


Michael Holm   {K:7931} 7/26/2003
This image is great, such nice contrast between the sky and that wonderfull glow from th sun. good composition....

Thanks for the comment on the fish eyes...
Be Well,


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 7/26/2003
excellebnt light.. excellent composition and tones!
a presto amica mia


Joksa Juoperi   {K:13473} 7/26/2003
Wonderful shot with great lighting and colours.
Regards, Joksa.


Guelfo Ajello   {K:7519} 7/26/2003
Very pleasing composition and lighting, great visual impact. Molto bene !


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 7/26/2003
Wonderfull colours and composition!!!


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 7/26/2003
It is a beautiful scenery. The composition is superior.
perfect rate


K Sveidq   {K:764} 7/26/2003
Nice light with a great sky!


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 7/26/2003
Hi Kristina, magnificent image!!!, great light and detail, splendid reflection!!!
A dear regard Benedetto


Peter Aczel   {K:1852} 7/26/2003
Wonderful shot. Exceptionally good lighting, nice colors, good composition. Simply perfect.


Savinelli Lorenzo   {K:2844} 7/26/2003


Alex Uchôa   {K:18547} 7/26/2003
WOW, perfect combination of the late light with the strong grey clouds. This combo always produce excelente results.


Juan Sánchez   {K:5441} 7/26/2003
Excellent exposure and tones


T Glow   {K:14955} 7/26/2003
veary beautiful composition.. splendid reflex!! Regards,T.


Aleksandra Zvonar   {K:4623} 7/26/2003
it's a bit dark on the left side, but the boats have a very nice color




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