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Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 1:33:36 PM

It's better than being trapped by sea ice, or getting sucked under a rolling iceberg....! Nick
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:53:10 PM

yes, Riham, completey natural. Here is another shot taken a few minutes before the main one displayed here. I have done no enhancement to the colours post shot..
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:51:25 AM

wonderful sharpness and capture of the determined expression on the man's face.
        Photo By: Igor Kralj  (K:251)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:43:46 AM


I'd crop right in on that blue pool - the strip of land at the top isn't half as interesting!
        Photo By: Naomi Weidner  (K:6636)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:42:44 AM

I'm sorry Kim, the outfit and pose is dreadful, but you've done well with the exposure - mottled sunlight through trees is very difficult.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:41:37 AM

hmm I've met his sort before!

Happy shot and interesting detail with all those badges but maybe throw the background out of focus a bit more since it is quite busy.
        Photo By: brandy bailey  (K:3509)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:36:43 AM

Hi Natalie

I think the colours are a little flat, the sky is white and the water is overexposed. I find myself wishing for somebody in a bright yellow kayak to be riding the white water!

        Photo By: Natalie Baker  (K:47)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:31:46 AM

Hi. Well the ship is interesting but the colours and lack of life in the image are less appealing. Nice straigh horizon though!
        Photo By: antonu stil  (K:-125)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/8/2005 12:30:39 AM

A great crop and I think the visibility of the word "Sera" adds interest. The focus is a little soft on the man's face and sharper on his rather loud shirt that tends to dominate the image a bit too much.
        Photo By: Alessandro Saponi  (K:62)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/5/2005 2:54:36 PM

Thanks Paul, here is a better process of the original image - I added grain before and it made it look softer.

This one has a different crop, Photokit sharpen and Platinum BW tint.

Cheers, Nick
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
9/5/2005 2:58:39 AM

Thanks for all your comments - I'll upload some more tomorrow. It was truly amazing but required patience and lots of warm clothing! One night I slept for 2 hours in subzero temperatures waiting for the lights and they only got going when I'd given up and was walking home!

The aurora was mostly green on this occasion, but the camera captures its leading edge of subtle purple that can rarely be seen with the eye.

Here's a picture of me waiting on an old chair I found...
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/24/2005 4:26:44 AM

Nice one Matt - you managed to isolate the subjects from the complicated background and time it perfectly to capture the ball. Cheers, Nick
        Photo By: Matt Palmer  (K:781)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/22/2005 9:22:33 AM


Excellent shot!

I am a usefilm member and also run website for mountain sports. We are putting together a calendar for our users and I am short of a couple of high resolution shots to complete it.

Unfortunately we are not in a position to pay you for your shot, however we can offer a free year's membership, a t shirt and of course a calendar with full acknowledgement to you.

If you would like to help, please could you send me a high resolution version of the image to

Many thanks,

Nick Russill
        Photo By: Ketil Monsen  (K:39)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/22/2005 8:57:39 AM


Excellent shot!

I am a usefilm member and also run website for mountain sports. We are putting together a calendar for our users and I am short of a couple of high resolution shots to complete it.

Unfortunately we are not in a position to pay you for your shot, however we can offer a free year's membership, a t shirt and of course a calendar with full acknowledgement to you.

If you would like to help, please could you send me a high resolution version of the image to

Many thanks,

Nick Russill
        Photo By: Grigory Ivaschenko  (K:458)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
8/22/2005 8:19:20 AM


Excellent shot!

I am a usefilm member and also run website for mountain sports. We are putting together a calendar for our users and I am short of a couple of high resolution shots to complete it.

Unfortunately we are not in a position to pay you for your shot, however we can offer a free year's membership, a t shirt and of course a calendar with full acknowledgement to you.

If you would like to help, please could you send me a high resolution version of the image to

Many thanks,

Nick Russill
        Photo By: Wojciech Wandzel  (K:500)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/15/2005 4:35:14 PM

I love this shot - the sloping horizon, the colours and depth of field. Perfect
        Photo By: huan duong  (K:17)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/15/2005 4:34:15 PM

Dear Ian

Thanks for your comments. I had to talk very nicely to the fly in order to get it to stay still! I was actually waiting for my girlfriend to come out from her house when I took this - the bin was next to the bench I was sitting on. Then I looked around and saw a green bin, and then a red one. What luck!

It was also an unusual sunny day in Cardiff that day, and being about 8am, the morning light gave nice saturated colours.
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
6/2/2005 11:32:51 PM

Hi AJ, of course you can use my picture. Your comments say exactly what I was aiming to convey when I took the picture! All the best, Nick
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
3/29/2005 9:45:47 PM

Well done Marco, pure in its simplicity

ciao Nico
        Photo By: marco p  (K:591)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
3/29/2005 9:42:58 PM

Benissimo Giovanni - an interesting perspective and contrast against the dark sky. ciao Nick
        Photo By: Giovanni Scambia  (K:297)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
3/29/2005 9:40:13 PM

Hi Carsten, a bold effort to capture a dramatic sky. If I may be critical, I would say that the combination of the featureless foreground, the clutter of the buildings on the left and the very large sky are a bit confusing / distracting. I applied a crop to the shot to make it a more apparent panorama and draw the eye into a sweeping and dramatic landscape. Ciao, Nick
        Photo By: Carsten Ranke  (K:14476)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
1/5/2005 12:29:17 PM

Thanks for the feedback Dave. If you dont know the building you may think it is a sign, but in fact the illuminated letters are the front of the whole building - about 50m wide!
        Photo By: Nick Russill  (K:929)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/28/2004 6:56:14 PM

Hi Tina

Thanks for your comment. I like this photograph because there is no sense of scale. It could be a surreal alien world, or it could be a view under a microscope!
        Photo By: Titia Geertman  (K:5582)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/5/2004 3:48:41 PM

Nice shot Titia. Are the trees all really leaning to the right!?

Looks like there are some nice frost textures in the plants on the ground that could be photographed close up as well!

All the best

        Photo By: Titia Geertman  (K:5582)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/5/2004 3:47:16 PM

I like the tones Michael, but the focus of the background is still too sharp which distracts from the centre of your composition. The out of focus leaves at the bottom centre could be avoided. Keep up the good work though!

        Photo By: Michael Grace-Martin  (K:10183)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/5/2004 3:44:46 PM

Hi Bjorn - nice shot - shame about the lumpy wave, but then that's not your fault!

Nice viewpoint, but maybe the picture would have more impact if the surfer was positioned a bit to the left of the frame and there was more of the wave to see where he is going. I think a bit more sharpening and tweaking the levels in photoshop would brighten the shot up a bit, but then it is Ostend!

We are looking for global surf pics for my site - maybe you would like to be the first to upload to
        Photo By: Bjorn Beheydt  (K:12096)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/5/2004 3:21:58 PM

nice colours and crisp focus Renato, but I find the image little asymmetrical. Not bad though!
        Photo By: Renato Barattucci  (K:133)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/5/2004 3:20:05 PM

I am a geologist and a weather forecaster, so your shot appealed to me on both counts!

If you'r reworking the image, maybe clone out the obstruction in the bottom-centre - or am I being TOO fussy!

        Photo By: Arjan van Leeuwen  (K:153)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/5/2004 3:13:51 PM

very nice shot. It is reminiscent of one I took this weekend - I did not see yours before - honest!
        Photo By: Steven B. Poitinger  (K:1757)

Critique By: Nick Russill  (K:929)  
10/5/2004 3:11:26 PM

I like this shot a lot. The choice of B/W works very well. Well spotted!

        Photo By: SORRENTE Patrick  (K:3307)

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