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Storm at Horseshoe Bend
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Image Title:  Storm at Horseshoe Bend
Favorites: 1 
 By: Arjan van Leeuwen  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Arjan van Leeuwen {Karma:153}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS D60
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Sigma 17-35/2,8-4,0 EX DG Asf. HSM
Uploaded 10/5/2004 Film / Memory Type Crucial 512MB CompactFlash
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 363 Shutter 1/60
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 14 Rating
/ 9 Ratings
Location City -  Page
State -  ARIZONA
Country - United States   United States
About A storm is nearing above Horseshoe Bend. It reached us not much later...
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There are 14 Comments in 1 Pages
Hakan Cem Isiklar Hakan Cem Isiklar   {K:2704} 10/6/2004
Like a island! Wonderful job! Congrats to you!


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 10/5/2004
impressive beautiful view!


Peter Daniel Peter Daniel   {K:33866} 10/5/2004
Beautiful Photograph Arjan, Great colors and clarity. Very well presented.

Thanks for sharing?
Peter Daniel


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 10/5/2004
Arjan, een schitternd landschap


Arjan van Leeuwen   {K:153} 10/5/2004
Hi Ian,

I did about the same thing this summer, covering California, Nevada, Utah and (a very small part of) Colorado in little over 3 weeks. I made a similar trip 4 years ago (although we went further north back then, to see Yellowstone) and I'm sure I'll return again - there's just so much to see. Even if you do a lot of research before you start, there's no way you're going to be able to see more than a tiny bit of the beauty that the South-West US has to offer.


Ian Sharp   {K:1762} 10/5/2004
This shot takes my breath away Arjan, back in
1981 my family and I toured around California,
Nevada and Arizona by car for nearly 4 weeks,
I am kicking myself I never did enough research
on the trip as obviously we missed a lot of great
scenery over there, not that I was into photography at that
time. Anyway what a great image.

Regards Ian
Brisbane, Australia


Joann Winborn Joann Winborn   {K:12550} 10/5/2004
breathtaking! So real I can almost touch it!
Going into my favorites!


Arjan van Leeuwen   {K:153} 10/5/2004
Nick, I'll work on that too.


This is what the sky really looked like.

George Marks   {K:15437} 10/5/2004
Pretty good capture. Sometimes the landscape is more than the lens can capture.


Nick Russill   {K:929} 10/5/2004
I am a geologist and a weather forecaster, so your shot appealed to me on both counts!

If you'r reworking the image, maybe clone out the obstruction in the bottom-centre - or am I being TOO fussy!



Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 10/5/2004
Good composition, Arjan, to include both the fantastic scenery of the cliffs and river, as well as the approaching storm.


Arjan van Leeuwen   {K:153} 10/5/2004
Hi Nick,

Thanks for your comments! I immediately agree with you about the right hand side of the river, however I only noticed this after I returned home. I have about 20 of these shots, and somehow I managed to miss that side of the river on all of them. Shame on me. The horizon - now that you mention it - yes, you'ew definitely right on that too.

I have some underexposed shots of the sky that I could try to overlay with this one, I'll post a new version if I ever succeed in doing that.

A little secret - this photo is already two photos stitched together (vertically). The lens is fantastic indeed, but wasn't quite wide enough on my D60.

Thanks again, Arjan


Nick Russill   {K:929} 10/5/2004
Hi Arjan

Great dramatic shot, but it could be improved a bit if you:

1. do not clip the river on the RHS
2. the horizon looks a little crooked
3. the sky is as dramatic as the canyon, but it is overexposed and there is not enough of it.

You used a great lens (I have one!), so maybe you could have made a panorama of several portrait shots and stitched them together?

Great effort anyway - congratulations.. Nick


al Farrob al Farrob   {K:4087} 10/5/2004




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