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Photographer: Giuliano Guarnieri  This user is a imageopolis Donor (Karma=36622)
Verona, Italy  

About: Hi everybody, I'm an italian guy living in a wonderful town called Verona (do you remember Romeo and Juliet??). I mainly work in "analogic" B/W (MF and LF) but looking at this website I'm convincing myself to enter in this crazy world of digital (ahahahah! I'm joking I love too much wasting time in my darkroom :D ).

In the meantime I've decided to work with a hybrid technolgy : I use films (my preferred are Ilford PanF+,FP4+ and HP5+, Kodak Trix400), I develop them by myself (Rodinal, PMK, HC110 or ID11) and then I scan the film with an Epson 4870.
After an accurate analisys of the best photo on the screen I proceed with the eventual fine art print.
For Fiber based paper I prefer is Agfa MC111 and Ilford Warmtone. Resin coated I use Tetenal.
For these papers the effect of selenium toning is really strong (Tetenal become brown/red after 6 minutes! :) )
I use a Durst Laborator1200 with colour head (CLS501) and Schneider (135mm) or Rodenstock (80mm) lenses

I use PS only to replicate what I can do in my darkroom so :
- burning and dodging
- variable contrast paper simulation (with curves)
- brown or selenium toning (with Quadtones).

Please, contact me directly if you want to use one of my pictures or you want to know more technical specifications.

Feel free to visit my site :

(many thanks to Paola Lubrano Lavadera for the profile portrait)

You may make a donation to on behalf of this member to make them a donor, or add an additional year to their donor status by clicking this button.
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Page #        
Portfolio:  Joglar
There are 8 images in 1 Pages

Picture Title - Joglar - the musicians

Joglar - the musicians
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 6
Views 616
Rating Pending / 1 
Rolleiflex TLR

Picture Title - Joglar - Peter Suonsi

Joglar - Peter Suonsi
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 6
Views 718
Rating Pending / 1 
Rollei SL66

Picture Title - Joglar - Peter  Suonsi (alias Marco)

Joglar - Peter Suonsi
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 2
Views 840
Rating Pending / 1 
Rollei SL66

Picture Title - Joglar - dopo lo spettacolo

Joglar - dopo lo spett
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 5
Views 617
Rating 5.50 / 3 
Rolleiflex TLR

Picture Title - Joglar - Machemmu machemmu macchemmusicamaestro!

Joglar - Machemmu mach
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 9
Views 875
Rating 5.37 / 5 
Rollei SL66

Picture Title - Joglar - Fortunello (by Mr.M)

Joglar - Fortunello (b
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 23
Views 1006
Rating 5.65 / 12 
Rollei SL66

Picture Title - Joglar - foto di gruppo

Joglar - foto di grupp
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 9
Views 657
Rating 5.50 / 4 
Rolleiflex TLR

Picture Title - Joglar - Elena&Paolo

Joglar - Elena&Paolo
Giuliano Guarnieri Donor
Comments 6
Views 905
Rating 5.56 / 4 
Rolleiflex TLR



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