Photographer: Sean D. (Karma=2361)
Melbourne, Victoria Australia
About: 1979 I made a pin-hole camera, but never used it!
1982 My first photo, Olympus Trip - Ballarat Town Hall. First trip to Tasmania. Bought a Hamimex 110mm Zoom camera, AU$89! By X-mass got my first 35mm SLR camera - Pentax K1000, I was truely a photographer!
1983 - beyond at High school studied photography, made pin hole cameras.
1987 Tertiary, at RMIT, aged 19. Completed one year and discovered that I would be an artist, gained much technical skills.
1988 began study at Prahran College - Fine Arts Photography, headed by John Cato. An overwhelming experience and influence on my artistic outlook. The school had produced some of Australia's best photograhers ie: Bill Henson. Experimented with toy cameras - Banner 120mm. At a country fete near Nimbin found a Diana.
1991 Got my BA Fine Arts - Photography.
1993/94 travelled SE Asia, India / Nepal, then to Europe. For US$65 bought a Minox 35mm camera in Prague. It replaced my Nikkormatt FT3 stolen on the Varanasi - Agra express.
1998 I returned to Europe to complete an artist residency in Budapest - Academy of Applied Arts.
2000 / 01 devoted those entire years to an extensive photo-essay "Tasmania: Island and People".
2002 I made a 4915Km bicycling trek from Melbourne - Darwin. Took colour slide film and used a Voigtlander Bessa. My trusty old Pentax K1000 also in the handle bar bag.
2003 / 04 ESL Teacher in Busan, South Korea.
2004 / 05 Six months ramble overland from China to Europe. Walked 750Km from France to Santiago de Compostela in NW Spain.
Arrived back in Melbourne, Australia on 5th Jan 2005 and back to Usefilm to show more Intrepid Duck stuff!
For more info on my Walking Through Europe Trek go to: