Peter Skjold Petersen
{K:971} 11/17/2005
Hey ! great photo, neat some sharping ;-) You are welcom in Denmark
Darlene Boucher
{K:15739} 11/15/2005
Incredible image Pat! That's an amazing capture, how close were you? Beautiful detail and such a wonderful close up! We have eagles here in the winter but I can never get THIS close!! Great background, just perfect! Darlene
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 11/11/2005
Thank you for your comment, it is appreciated! Pat
Pat Snelling Weiner
{K:1920} 11/11/2005
Hi Lee, Thanks for the comments. I was looking back thru the photos and thus the 10D pictures....lol! But my 10D is in the shop for the second time. I'm having trouble with Repair Tech not wanting to repair it a second time and then found out that they switched my camera...put my serial plate on a refurbished camera...that did not make me happy and they have had it 3 months. I have never heard of such nonsense, any way the 20D so far is my favorite. But I love Darlene Boucher and your photos so am wondering about the better resolutions as the animals shots I take don't always tickle me.....sigh! You know....wanting perfection.....not a good trait I guess, it can drive one nuts. Pat
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 11/11/2005
Wonderful capture of the eagle, Pat! I like the pose and composition you've used here, too. Dave.
Rodotheos Dovilus
{K:1582} 11/11/2005
Beautiful work, well done.
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 11/11/2005
Great capture.
Lee Harris
{K:14694} 11/11/2005
Good morning Pat. What a excellent portrait of a Bald Eagle. The back lighting worked very well here creating shadows in the right places and very sharp image. My Complements Pat. What happen to the Canon 20D ?
You asked about the Nikon D200 and weather I know anything about it ......I know it is allot less money then my D2X and does much of the same with only a little drop in megapixel, 10 verse 12. A main reason I bought the D2x was that I wanted more shooting speed so I would capture some shots that I used to stand there and wait for my camera to catch up. I would have most likely bought the D200 at almost a 1/3 of the price had it been out when I bought my D2x. Please don't get me wrong, I love my D2x......but I'm not a rich person, I have to work allot of extra to pay for my toys and saving 3 thousand dollars would have been nice. If I can be of any help please just ask. Lee