City - Cody State - WYOMING Country - United States
6:15am several elk heading to higher ground. A large mountain range to the west about 1 mile. This is about 1/4 mile south of our house. This is the view from our kitchen.
Pat after years of shooting the nikon line I am coverting to Canon. I find the detail and colors more to my liking. This assumes that you use the L series lens ! I have the 70-200 with a 1.4 converter. Results are knockout. Great Grey Owls taken this spring were flawless. 11x17 prints from my office printer looked real and full sized !! I am looking at a 300MM for the trip this year, but the 70-200 with the 1.4 brings me to almost 300MM and thats the most lens I have ever taken out there. I like to get close. SO the alternative is to rent a big lens in West Yellowstone, I know they have Canon because last year I ask for Nikon and was told they only had Canon. Therein lays another option. In defense of the nikon, I have been published in several books, magazines etc, and all where taken with the Nikons. Maybe I am just a techno junkie also.
Hi Jim, Yes I know I am very lucky. My husband came from MN every year too, and retired here. I'm a native :) I saw this particular moose in Lamar Valley. We came in from Cook City, Montana. We take the Chief Joseph Hwy to Cook City and there are moose along there sometimes too.
I notice you use the EOS 20D and the Nikon, which do you like best?
I hoe you know how lucky you are to have this view and to LIVE here !! I am from Minnesota and every fall (sept) I head out to the mountains to photograph wildlife in and around the park. I will be leaving here on the 15th of Sept, going through Cody probably on Saturday and on into the park. I am a western junkie ! As long as I am able to travel and do it safely, I will return to the west each year. Such glorious country, can't wait to get going ! Thanks for posting.. PS were did you see moose in yellowstone ? I see them east of Moran Junction, but never in the park.. jimc