City - San Diego State - CA Country - United States
Another from Miramar Airshow. Big resize so couldn't avoid the jaggies...Last year with my Powershot Pro1 I couldn't get any of these crossing paths this year I got 5 and a half (half is I cut off one plane)... :)
Super!! I know what you mean by having a difficult time getting a decent shot of a fast moving target with a Pro 1. Thats why this year I went back to my OM-1 & OM-2 cameras. Combined with my new motor winder (5 fps) I can keep up while focusing manually. I have heard many good things about the autofocus on the EOS20D, now I can see what it really menas. I really like how depth of field between the two aircraft makes it appear that the rear aircraft is going much faster than the front one, even though they are making the same speed.
Great shot! Looks like you were tracking the jet on the right (using multi rapid shot function) and caught the jet on the left enter the frame from the oposite direction on this one.