City - DEEP SOUTH State - MISSISSIPPI Country - United States
This, fellow members,is a Highly Venomous Southern Water Mocassin...Or as the local native's fondly call it a 'Cotton Mouth'...Nick-Named for it's Cotton-White mouth which it display's when it's Pissed-off and thinking about biting you...Many a tale has been spun about how these fearless serpents like to hang in tree-limbs over a pond or creek and 'drop-in' your boat as you paddle by...Please believe Me, they are not good boat-mates...They are simply not scared of anything and will stand their ground to any species on two,four or six legs...But they are a very agile,curious,and productive reptile. One of the True Icon's of the South...Just as any Southern'er worth his or her Grits... This Very Healthy Mocassin is totally habituated to Dense Southern Swampland, Hot Humid Climates and Blends in rather nicely with a knack of surprise, thank you... With few natural enemies and a curious and fearless nature, it's no wonder these magnificent creature's are the Southern Redneck's Worst Nightmare...
Great shot Greg. I love reptiles and would love to see want of these guys in the wild. Knowing that you like snakes, please let me invite you to visit my reptiles porfolio. Here is the link. Take care and hope to see more of these creatures. Yamil
Greg, Great shot and DOF. However, this gives me the creeps as I have seen the white cotton mouth as it tried to grasp my quickly receding hand. Luckly it was a small one. I deserved it as we were trying to kill it. You see it was on top of the golf course sprinkler timers trying to stay warm and we needed to adjust the timers and it wouldn't move. They say they are not in Maryland but I beg to differ. It truely is the Rednecks worst nightmare.