Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/10/2005
thanks alot my dear friend
Zara Hajaig
{K:1143} 11/9/2005
Yes, reading what you wrote, makes you think further into the photo. Must say this highlights your artistic talents, letting a viewing being occupied with your photo!
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/9/2005
Every one has his won door zara
Zara Hajaig
{K:1143} 11/9/2005
You know this door, reminds me of something, but what i do not know, i sit and stare it, trying to remember what it reminds me of!
Zara Hajaig
{K:1143} 11/8/2005
It is only my honest opinion Chady :-) walaw!
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 11/8/2005
tahnks a lot dear zara for your nice words and comment,so kind of you
Zara Hajaig
{K:1143} 11/7/2005
Amazing! I love your words they are so deep. A true piece of art
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/28/2005
thanks a lot Zahra for your visit and comment.
AlZahraa Sulie
{K:7255} 10/28/2005
Wonderful piece of Art you are really creative you have your own special vision!
Well done, and very impressive work Shady
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/20/2005
thanks a lot Hatem for your visiting and comment. regards
hatem yehia
{K:3232} 10/20/2005
thats so creative bsara7a 1st time 2 c ur gallery i like it alot saher always talk about it well done 7... i like editing
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/19/2005
Thank you so much Melisa For your kind visit and comment , very much appreciated .
z z
{K:7231} 10/19/2005
What a fabulous illussion! A very well put together piece! Love it!
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/17/2005
thanx a lot sunrise
{K:6651} 10/17/2005
Very good!
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/8/2005
thanks a lot Bint
Bint Ahmed
{K:333} 10/8/2005
excellent neat work
thanks for commenting on my pictures
God bless you
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 10/1/2005
thanks a lot dear Andre for your encouragement ,i am very happy that you got the idea that clear thank you so much my dear friend regards
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 10/1/2005
This is a very attractive photo-art composition Shady!
I especially like all the work in the lower portion of the image. I like the way you have opened up the "Secret door" by taking away the frame at the bottom and having steps leading down. This is a great idea. There are also a lot of other nice things going on here. The straight stick to the left of the door that comes out of the screen with all its shadows intact is also a nice idea. Then there is the subtle inclusion of an image of a man on the right side of the door. Over-all, a very impressive job.
Riham Essam
{K:4931} 9/13/2005
this one too .... verryyyyyyyyy nice great job ...:)...Congrats
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 9/9/2005
great well done compostion and collage perfect tones very creative and artistic... i see that your composition is superb 7777777
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 9/6/2005
thank u so much stephe
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 9/6/2005
Fantastic vision and imagination Shady, what an excellent submission of work. Brilliantly done and a great photo :-)
Best wishes, Steve
Bruce Harper
{K:5305} 8/31/2005
Very impressive image, and the 'about' just expands on the idea beautifully
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 8/30/2005
Nice workk.Great elaboration.All well done.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 8/25/2005
great art work! love it!
Engy Farahat
{K:11591} 8/24/2005
Amazing work Shady. creative and artistic idea. and wonderful about. 7+++ well done
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/24/2005
it was nice to meet u too :)))
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/24/2005
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/24/2005
Merci Trish for your sweet words and nice courtesy, always be my friend :)
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/24/2005
:)i'll do my best ya Enas
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 8/23/2005
what a strong impact here. outstanding work. Miss your work. you come and go. stay more and post. love your stuff. ;)
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/23/2005
dear Sahdy .. i just had the chance to read ur about now .. and it pushed me to write another comment!! i guess it touched me very deep coz i feel am at that stage right now .. looking for my own door!! u really said it in a very nice and senstive way.. so i wish u a never closed light door to spend a great life time in with ur beloved soulmate.. dont give up on ur dreams.
P.S: it was very nice meeting u.
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/23/2005
hi again Shady .. i just had the chance to read ur about now, and it pushed me to comment again coz i think its as lovely as the pic itself.. i guess it touched me very deep.. may be coz am in that stage right now and am wishing to find my own door!! but really u said it very nice and senstive.. so i wish u a never closed light door where u can spend a great life time with ur dream soulmate.. dont give up on ur dreams..
P.S: it was very nice meeting u.
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/23/2005
hi again Shady .. i just had the chance to read ur about now, and it pushed me to comment again coz i think its as lovely as the pic itself.. i guess it touched me very deep.. may be coz am in that stage right now and am wishing to find my own door!! but really u said it very nice and senstive.. so i wish u a never closed light door where u can spend a great life time with ur dream soulmate.. dont give up on ur dreams..
P.S: it was very nice meeting u.
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/23/2005
hi again Shady .. i just had the chance to read ur about now, and it pushed me to comment again coz i think its as lovely as the pic itself.. i guess it touched me very deep.. may be coz am in that stage right now and am wishing to find my own door!! but really u said it very nice and senstive.. so i wish u a never closed light door where u can spend a great life time with ur dream soulmate.. dont give up on ur dreams..
P.S: it was very nice meeting u.
Adriana Rabbit
{K:3233} 8/23/2005
Wow! I like the text as much as I like the picture! GREAT!!! Impressive thoughts! ~:-) Dri
ps.: no, not a graphic designer..just a curious person using PS.. lol
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/23/2005
thank u so much dear for this nice comment and wishing .
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 8/23/2005
This is wonderful, creative and very well done...love it...as Roby says...a masterpiece...a winner for sure...well done...:):)Linda
Eman Shokry
{K:5400} 8/23/2005
Thanks Shady alot for the very kind words... So nice also too see your fantastic shots specially this one... You have very motivative words in here !... Kind regards,
Eman Shokry
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/23/2005
extremly wonderfulò.. my best wishes fopr this masterpiece! roby 7+
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/23/2005
thanks a lot my dear for your sweet words, we all miss u ,waiting for ur wonderful work.. so plz ...never be apart again ;)
Inji Amer
{K:22997} 8/23/2005
fabulous ya Shady ! love it my dear so much ..thanks ..for sharing :) into my favorites ! Inji Amer ( still in Salizburg !)
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
thankx a lot dear mary ,ur words warm my heart :)
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
wow ..i miss u so much my dear,missed our chating ,be always happy that have that much of friends ,all of them love u, dont forget to smile for me always :))))))))
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
thanks a lot jude
mary karimi
{K:10818} 8/22/2005
Very unusal......very creative....Wonderful photo ! Excellent details and amazing capture Very beautiful perspetive and colors! I would like to congratulate you for your fantastic shot which I'm admiring right now. You are an excellent photographer!
Well done work!
ahmed saied
{K:8734} 8/22/2005
Woundereful idea and presentation Shady , welcome back
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 8/22/2005
Excellent work Shady....fantastic image and touching words.
Thanks so kindly for your comment on my image. I have been out in the field a lot lately...and it is getting worse...LOL!! Hardly any time on the PC nowadays.
jude .
{K:14625} 8/22/2005
Wonderfully creative image, Shady...very unusual, and visually striking. I love it alot!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 8/22/2005
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 8/22/2005
If going through that door means possibly finding an exciting new life,(maybe with someone, or not) instead of staying somewhere because you are comfortable, go for it. I would like to be as adventurous, I could use a change. I hope I didn't misinterpret your meaning too much.
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/22/2005
ask m.7osny and he will tell u!! and u will easily notice me in the palace, am the only montaqiba in there ) i will be there tom. insha2allah from 4pm.. c u.
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
It?s a mix between tow shots ya malak, both of them on Alex... My beloved city
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
dont say that Enas, you are a great artist ( wla bt3'zy el 3eeen ;) sure i can see u at the palace but i dont know how do u look ,u said that we have a commen friends .. who?
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
do u think that i've to go through Alison? your advice will be very useful for me :)
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
thanks a lot Dominic .
Malak Rashad
{K:643} 8/22/2005
a weiiiiiird photo but hiiiiiiighly creative verry good one, shady, fe3lan well done also like the writing, fits the photo awi where'd you take it? malak
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
thanks ya omnia for your sweet words ,you always support me when feeling down , be always gr8 as you r.
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
sorry Lori for be apart ,i'm on a vacation actuly ,i'm fine dont worry about me. god bless you
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
thanks a lot marian,so sweet from you
Enas Moussa
{K:7470} 8/22/2005
oppaaaaaaaaaaa.. ana kida aroo7 bokra as7ab shoghly fawran badal el2e7rag !! ) this is a great work Shady masha2allah .. insha2allah u will get a well deserved nice award for it.. and for the opera am there everyday bardo for the photography workshop from 4 to 8.. hope to c u soon insha2allah. best regards.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 8/22/2005
This is outstanding Shady, amazingly creative and a wonderful image and about. I've missed your wonderful photos and writings as well. Welcome back. This is so well presented, I love the composition, and the creative ps work. The desaturation and movement of the outer photo make the warm colored inset of the stairs and door so much more inviting, Go through that door.! I will be finding one for myself. :) Into my favorites. Alison
Shady Adly
{K:7814} 8/22/2005
thanks a lot hamdy :) rabna ysm3 mnk
Hamdy Reda
{K:874} 8/22/2005
hi, wonderful work Shady, i saw this pic today in arts palace, and i liked it a lot,.. i'm looking forward to and wish that you geting award on it in the youth salon,. ;) best regards,. Hamdy
Dominic Daigle
{K:641} 8/22/2005
Amazinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg It's so beautiful Realy nice work Shady
Best regards Dominic
Omnia Khalil
{K:4540} 8/22/2005
Shady u can't imagine how i'm happy 2 c ur work now really fantastic & execellent work u have here sooooooooo creativeeeeeee & makes me think alotttttttt i like the "about" kteer kaman & ya it is not that easy at all sometimes it is impossiable to break that frame or to open this door good work dear friend Omnia
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 8/22/2005
ohhhhhhhhhhhh... wowwwwwwwwwwwwww fantastic!!! great work, excellent!!!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 8/22/2005
Hi Shady,
What a clever image you've created. You sound 'down'...I hope you're not. ANd that all is OK! Haven't seen you for awhile.
This really is interesting, looks like two seperate and good images!
Nice PS work, Lori :)
Marian Man
{K:80636} 8/22/2005
outstanding dear Shady!!!!! excellent work by you!!!!!! a very powerful image which goes to my favorites!!!!! fine about too!!!!! best regards (nice to have you back!!!) Marian